Friday, August 29, 2008
McCain has announced his choice for VP.
I am as convinced as ever that it was His plan to give us Mike Huckabee as President through the door of the VP. But if God always had His way with mankind, everyone would know Jesus already.
The message this sends to my heart is a sad one:
I pray for a great awakening to come to this nation. We have sent the message to God that we think we are smart enough to figure these things out without His help. By we, I mean , Americans generally as a people.
I am sad for my nation today. I remember hearing sobering, chilling words from the two prophetic voices I have most respect for: My mother and Chuck Pierce. Both of them had a message directly from God that our treatment of our current President, whom He has given us a gift is being carefully weighed in light of the upcoming election. He made it clear that He had indeed prepared a very special gift for us in Mike Huckabee. His love for Mike, however is great. I feel that God has chosen, at least for now, to protect Mike from us.
If the election were held today, I don't know if I would even go to the polls because to me, it doesn't matter. Both parties have declared by their actions that everything will be decided by what's between their two ears.
Have mercy Lord.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Reasons for McCain to ask Huckabee to run as VP
The Huckabee Prayer Coordinator sent out the email asking if anyone is willing to pray for McCain to offer Mike the VP spot and followed with several excellent reasons.
Below is my reply and his complete message.
Daves message:
Is anyone willing to pray for McCain to offer Mike the VP spot?
I know that it is not a very appealing prospect to have to consider, but I've put together some reasons why Mike should become the VP nominee:
Reasons that Mike Huckabee should accept a VP position on the GOP ticket:
It gives Mike the opportunity to gain foreign policy experience—an area that was heavily criticized during the campaign as a weak point in his experience.It gives Mike Huckabee a bully pulpit from which to champion conservative causes.It keeps Mike in the public eye, and allows Mike to develop relationships with the national press.It will allow the press and the public to see that Mike is more than just a former Baptist Preacher, (even though we know there is nothing wrong with that) but an executive with experience.It allows the American people to get to know Mike better.Mike is very likeable.And with this opportunity, they will come to view him as Presidential.It allows Mike to establish relationships with Washington elites—the main source of resistance to his campaign in the GOP.It gives Mike input to national policy decisions, like the selection of Supreme Court Justices.It makes Mike the heir-apparent to the Presidency.It allows Mike to transition smoothly to the Presidency should McCain suffer a debilitating physical ailment or die in office—something that is very possible considering his advanced age.It prevents pseudo-conservatives like Romney from attaining power.It gives voters a choice in November between an Ultra liberal-Ultra liberal team in the Dems and a Moderate-Conservative team in the GOP.The general election tends to favor a balance toward political center.It gives conservative voters a choice.Many conservative voters will stay home in November if McCain chooses a moderate running mate.
Reasons John McCain should select Mike Huckabee as a running mate:
Mike is a superb speaker, he will be a great communicator for the ticket.McCain is generally viewed as lacking charisma.Mike brings the charisma that overcomes the personal appeal of Obama.Mike has won the conservative base—the states the McCain needs most to win in the general election.McCain has won mostly blue states, while Huckabee has won red states.Mike and John get along very well—as was apparent during their debates; John and Mitt sparred continuously with negative jabs but John and Mike were always friendly and cordial to each other.Mike has more executive experience than any other presidential candidate in either party.Mike has good ideas and a fresh approach.A combined McCain-Huckabee ticket would be hard to label as “Washington Insider”.Mike is young enough to assume the reins after McCain retires from public life—just as George Bush Sr. took over when Reagan retired. That was not the case with VP Dick Cheney.Voters will be very sensitive to the age issue with McCain, but Huckabee can defuse the issue.Mike has credibility with the social conservative base.If McCain runs without a social conservative like Huckabee, then James Dobson and other social conservative spokesmen will abandon the ticket, but with Mike aboard, social conservative spokesmen will likely support it.Social conservative voters are skeptical about McCain’s dedication to social conservative issues.Selecting Mike as a running mate will help prove his willingness to support conservative positions.Gun owners have determined Presidential election outcomes in the past.GOA’s website currently reads “McCain? No Way!!” But they say: “Mike Huckabee: Standing Tall for the Second Amendment.” Without a Huckabee running mate, gun owners will find it hard to support McCain.
Dave Mike Huckabee Presidential Prayer Team National Prayer Coordinator David QuintanaNew Mexico for Mike HuckabeeState Coordinator My Reply to Dave You had me at "Is anyone willing to pray for McCain to offer Mike the VP spot?" BUT OF COURSE! I have secretly felt this was the pre-ordained outcome since I saw Mike on Kenneth Copeland and learned of his history in Arkansas - how the people were not smart enough to elect; God had him strategically positioned .Do you mind if I post your entire email on my blog, And Dave responded: Please do post it on your site.I think that our Huckabee supporters need to hear the message.Yours is not the only one who responded in favor of my idea.Take a look at the message below--you might want to post that too! Dave Another message Dave was sent from Gail: I was thinking about that as plan B and actually God's plan A all along.God may be using McCain to get Mike in, knowing there might have been enough resistance against his candidacy in the fall election if he would have won the party nomination out right.It would be characteristic and follow the pattern of how Mike became Governor after running for Lt Governor in Arkansas.Besides, Haley Barbour, who is a surrogate of McCain's let the cat out of the bag when interviewed by Fox News that Mike would be a marvelous choice and that was after Fox News went through the litany of all the other names with him.You can maybe catch the interview on the Fox website or maybe later on today or tonight.My husband and I believe that is why Huckabee needed to get into second place on the delegate count, which he did, and have a regional following which the Lord gave him, in order for McCain to publicly justify a decision like that politically before the party establishment.With the fact that Democrats are now starting to make inroads to the more liberal element of the evangelical community, a VP Huckabee pick could squash that.There are so many reasons why, as you listed below, that Mike Huckabee would be a superb choice and we should pray that God will all that together .Mike said that the VP job was "the one that no one wanted but that no one would turn down", so he is not going to turn it down either if offered it.Besides of all the names on the VP list, Mike is the only one that isn't doing anything.All the rest either are getting older, or are in the middle of circumstances that are not advantageous to them accepting an offer.I think that for these reasons we should start lifting this up in prayer, big time!
Putting feet to our prayers - or fingers for typing/dialing
Below is a message I emailed to Gary Bauer.
I encourage everyone to write similar messages today.
I sent a similar message to some others. Feel free to use the list and add to it.
This week is crunch time.
Dear Sir,
You have a much bigger audience than I do and I ask you to use it this week to rally support for Mike Huckabee as John McCain's running mate.
I could give you endless reasons, but the most important one:
It's the right thing to do.
As the news media tries to convince everyone that Romney's in the bag for that, or the unknown Palawtney , they fail to focus on the best pick. I find myself turning them off.
I plead with you to use you platform to highlight the virtues and power of persuasion to rally support of Mike Huckabee as John McCain's VP running mate.
*he's been pro-McCain all along
*he's one of us - able to rally working class America
*he's one of us - a true Christian who shares our values
*he's got the right economic experience - having transformed the state of Arkansas
*he can win his enemies - as shown by two re-elects in a Democratic state.
*he is trustworthy -Romney is not; just something about him.
*he is young, witty, charismatic and genuinely likable - a good complement for some of Sen McCain's weaker spots.
*and I think he only has one house. :-)
I for one believe we'll wind up with Obama if we don't have Huckabee on McCain's ticket.
Thanks for your time,
God Bless,
Here are some email addresses.
Republican Party Chairman,
Fox news,
Gary Bauer,
Sean Hannity,
John McCain,
NBC News,
Bill O'Reilly,
"Rick Davis, McCain Campaign Manager" <>
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Don't know the will of God?
Can I get real?
I long to hear gutsy prayers from people who have the hutspah to ask God for what they really want. When I was a teenager, I didn't ask my Dad if it was his will to let me borrow the car. I wanted the car and boldly, yet sweetly, asked him for the keys and extra money for gas and good times.
God is a much better Father than my Dad. He really wants me to ask for my heart's desire.
I'm totally His and have delighted myself completely in Him. He's planted those desires in me and then promised to give them to me.
The next President of the United States will effect the world.
Wishfully, by now all of us have prayed a first prayer like this one:
" Who do you want to be our next President? Tell me, then tell me how to pray to bring it about."
..and we didn't let up until He answered and confirmed.
Listening to many folk, I'm sad to hear only a rare few ones who seem positively persuaded as a result of such prayers and answers.
Yet there are some of us who have invested years of praying for the next President in the manner I just described. We are convinced that God has clearly answered.
I've spelled out lot's of how we've heard in earlier posts on this blog.
I'm 100% convinced that God longs to give us a President who will defend unborn babies and act towards ending abortion. He has worked through the young ones praying at the Call, the different HOP's and similar events to get this message burned into the hearts of His people.
During the past year, many have had visions, prophetic unctions and revelations which point out that God has chosen and prepared Mike Huckabee as His gift to our nation. Intercessors across America, who don't know each other, have been persuaded that His plan to make Mike President is through the Vice Presidency with John McCain.
Lately God has spoken a strong warning through reputable famous prophets and little praying Grandmothers saying "God gave us our current President as a gift and is watching how we treat him in our prayers, actions and words. He's watching and weighing whether another Gift will be given to us. "
My dear friend Leo said, truly, that a great move of God most often comes in bad political and social times.
Could that be because we, His people, didn't connect the dots enough to do what is right
until it's in our face in very sad circumstances?
We must honor, cover, defend and bless President Bush who has been a great benefactor to Christianity? I recall the years prior to President Bush when it felt almost illegal to be an open Christian in work and market place. He came in with Faith Based Initiatives, Constitution- reading- Judges and other subtle acts that have cascaded down. The head of the nation was openly Christian and now we are OUT of the closet! Hooray!
Don't sit around in despondency. This is the time to express great appreciation for what God has given us during the last 8 years.
And for the sake of the world who will be highly impacted by our prayers, and this election -
pretty please
with sugar on top -
Get some hutspa to your prayers! Have the guts to ask Him plainly , to decree boldly. If you can't ask God to put a specific man in office, why even bother to vote?
I'm not praying "if it by thy will...." . I already asked for Him to reveal His will.
- I'm asking specifically. A four year old could hear my prayer and know exactly what I'm looking for. Whatever I ask the Father, in Jesus' name, is given.
I'm praying like a full blown child who knows my Father.
I hope you will too. James 1: 5 - 8 Ask for wisdom then pray and don't be wishy washy.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The season of powerful words is here!
That's the pattern I've seen with a new spiritual broadcast of an old truth. Here's what I am convinced has been released for any Christian BELIEVER who will "Get It".
Now is the time to recognize the power and authority of your words. Jesus made this clear when He said anyone who speaks to a mountain and tells it to jump in the ocean and doubts not what he says will see that mountain obey him. Study it all you want. It says what it means and means what it says in any translation. Read Mark 11:23 -24.
Consider who's image we are created in. In Genesis He spoke the worlds into being.
This applies to everything.
Does your marriage need a divine makeover? What have you been speaking about it and to it?
Don't like gas prices? What are you saying?
In short, we create everything around us with our tongue.
I've sensed a new release of more power in my own words. Things that used to take months or years of travailing prayer have changed within one day of my words declaring and calling things to be different.
Do you think the drop in oil prices is just a happy coincidence? Well, my mother and I are two people who have been speaking to the matter, calling them down.
We are now speaking into the spirit realm over the American people.
We are saying they are wise and discerning and will vote according to God's priorities. And they can discern between fluff and substance.
We are saying there is order in John McCain's team concerning selection of his running mate:
We say there is an orderly process of elimination that will result in Mike Huckabee coming out on top of the pile of names in every round until it become clear to all involved that Mike is the only right choice.
We are speaking blessings over President Bush and calling forth the favor that he needs to finish all that he needs to do - favor with the media, favor with governments of other nations, favor with the people and with everyone he needs to cooperate with him.
As my mother was praying and speaking these kinds of things last week, with the eyes of the spirit I could see laser swords shooting out of her mouth.
So I'm encouraging everyone to take more heed than ever to the old saying " watch your mouth". Take it further.
Picture your words forming what you speak. And above all, before you speak, look to Jesus. Ask Him what you should say.