After reading the book of Daniel chapters 7 through ( out of character for me), I prayed for America, asking if God to tell me what the next 4 years will look like to us. I thought it best to be specific since we are short sighted and God has a track record of speaking very far in advance. He, in His gentle voice began and I wrote as much as I could, as follows:
It will be glorious to those who are looking to Me. But it will also be difficult for many who expect everything to return to how it was when they were comfortably luke-warm.
The land, the farmers, the growers of food will see sorrow and the overfed will learn to be thankful for their food.
My people will slowly become awake and search their hearts, finding THE ONE they'd believed on to the there for them on every level.
Families will be restored in newsworthy numbers as the learn for the first time how I planned for them to work together.
My house has not yet learned my priorities. They are still a childish selfish folk. When you hear preachers instructing them to love one another, listen carefully. These are speaking my heart.
I have indeed set apart this nation to be a supplier for the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus Christ but she is still struggling in her adolescence. I have not left her. My hand is still upon her.
Pray for my American Bride.
Pray for the very land.
Pray for her to turn her eyes from her purse and to seek my priorities.

Do not condemn her for she is MINE!
Do not be distracted by the agendas of the other nations and religions.
Do not entangle your hearts with surface level events.
Focus your prayers on the heart and soul of those in authority, not their deeds.
The next election will not solve the ills of government. Only my people, turning their hearts fully to me will do that.
Pray for my American Bride and look carefully as I turn her face to me. You will see my glory if you look for it and do not tend to surface events.
I'm after your heart America.