Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I just back from a walk. It's now fully spring in north Florida and at 7PM, still cool enough to wear a light sweater, though plenty of people were wearing shorts.

I no longer walk like I'm in a rush to get somewhere. I'm more interested in the conversation I'm having with God , although I did most of the talking this evening.

On my walk, I noticed how safe this neighborhood feels. A couple of my neighbors have their garage door and door into the house wide open. There was no concern about being harassed by any of the passers by. All of us out walking were clearly satisfied in our safety.

These mundane little things can go unnoticed, but I think it's good to treasure a safe place.

As I walked, I rambled to God about everything from the beauty of the sunset to the need for laborers in Japan, New Zealand and other places. I finally shut up. After all, it's not polite to yammer endlessly without allowing the other party to get a word in. My greatest desire you see, is to hear whatever He has to say. You too, right?

I can't say I heard any booming response. I just know He was there, kindly listening and when appropriate, dispatching angels to carry out my request.

As I was ending my walk, turning the corner a few houses from mine, all the birds in the neighborhood seemed to be singing. The wind was blowing enough for the trees to make their AAAAAAAAAAH sound. I thought about the meeting we had at Zion Road Healing Rooms a few months ago when we were overcome with a heavy, intense awareness that the invisible Holy One was with us - and we could not, would not move or make a sound for a very long time.
It was silent. The music had long stopped. In that silence He spoke with no words and our hearts melted in His mesmerizing love.

It's the 3rd week of the month again - the week when we have our meeting at Zion Road on Thursday night. I wonder, would He do that again? How I wish everyone could experience that. Our world is noisy. I yearn to hear that supernatural silence again.