Saturday, February 16, 2008


I am the offspring of an amazing Christian woman who is my prayer partner.

My Mother was drawn to Jesus at the age of 6. The only one in her family interested in church she befriended a neighboring family to take her to church. As a child she would walk with God and pray for America. When she grew up and married, God gave her a son who is now a church leader in Sarasota and a daughter, born of July 4th (me). I think my birthday is a sign of my destiny and God's recognition of Mother's devotion to America.

Shortly after becoming a 40 year old widow she went to Christ for the Nations. Instead of becoming a missionary or full time minster, God sent her home to lead my brother and I to Jesus and to teach us all that she had learned.

It's been over 20 years now that I've walked with Jesus. For the past several years Mother and I have prayed together every Monday night for America, for the President and all matters related. We have taken 7 prayer trips to D.C.

When George W Bush ran for office the first time, I assumed Mother would automatically pray for and vote for him given that the alternative Democrat would do nothing to lead us in God's ways, but she refused to take a position until she'd heard for God. So, I waited for a long time before we could pray in agreement about the election.
Her prayer was to inquire about His choice. Finally she called me to say she'd heard from God. He showed her that abortion is a stench in His nostrils and He wanted George W Bush to take office because he would take actions to turn us away from abortion.
And then we began to pray with all our hearts for him.
It wasn't a pretty election. If you recall, my home state, Florida was a messy part of that election. I felt personally responsible because a month or so before the election, Holy Spirit had asked me to drive the perimeter of Florida and pray. I thought it was a only a suggestion, so I did not. When all the hanging chad drama began, I understood that I had missed it. He sent me to pray on the states' Supreme Court steps so I obeyed. I remember many nights of intercession over that election.

My prayer partner Mother and I have seen, sensed and have been given some direction by Holy Spirit and are praying for this ongoing election. As we have given ourselves to pray, God has kindly responded.

In August '07, there were lots of Republican candidates who seemed good choices. She and I agreed that we needed to first find out God's choice for President. We prayed for weeks, asking Him who He wants to be our next President. Finally, in response to that question God showed her “as clear as can be, like nothing I've ever experienced, I saw the face of Mike Huckabee.”

As soon as we figured out who Mike Huckabee was, we focused our prayers for him and have seen several answers to our specific prayers:
He rose in the polls from 2% to the winner of Iowa.
Sam Brownback , one of the candidates who would be a draw needed prayer cover, quit the race. We prayed fom Thompson, Guilliana and Romney to quit. All have done so.
I'm now praying that McCain will realize he lacks the gifting to draw the masses and will support Huckabee. (Hey ,you have not because you ask not.)

It's been a true tug of war and God has been faithful to encourage us to continue.

Mom asked Him once, “ Have you changed your mind about Mike Huckabee?'
He said “No. I'll tell you if I do.”
Once she pondered “Lord, John McCain is not so bad. I guess I could live with that.”
God responded with a vision of “ little babies in pink and blue blankets” with instant understanding that God wants them to be born and Huckabee will take action that will make it happen.

Just before Christmas she was worshipping in church and saw Jesus standing with his hand on John McCain's shoulder. There was no one on the other side of Jesus but it seemed there should have been. She continued worshipping and a few minutes later she saw Jesus again, with Mike Huckabee on the other side and suddenly, Jesus took Mike's hand and yanked it up high, like a fight referee does for the winner of a fight. I'm holding that in my heart.

There have been many mornings when I wake up determined to just listen to Holy Spirit before I say or do anything and He has met me with details on what to pray. One morning He listed specifics in His lovely still small voice:
Speak to the mountains to come down: McCain, Gulliani and Romney ( we had already prayed for Thompson to quit – and he did.)
Call forth delegates.
Speak life to the army for Huckabee.

On other days I'd hear a chapter and verse ( not normal for me, not a Bible scholar):
II Kings 6:16 See there are more with us than with them.
Also, Ps 139:5, Ezek 37:4 and 11 Cor 6:1 (a)

Now lately, if you've watched news at all, you know the politico's have decided that McCain is the Republican nominee. It takes 1191 delegates to become Republican nominee and he has over 800 while Mike has about 300. There no way Mike can get 1191 before the Republican Convention in September. It's slimly possible for him to keep McCain from winning the balance he needs in the upcoming primaries. That would cause the convention to be where he's picked. I for one plan to be there.
It seems like daily McCain gets another big name endorsement.

Everyday Huckabee continues to campaign with all his heart. When he loses, it's not by much.
I exhort anyway to check out for loads of encouragement.

Well, last night at the House of Prayer here in town, I asked Jesus to meet with me and tell me about the significance of this election. If one looks at the grand picture of probability, you'd think Barack Obama is the next President.

Jesus said this to me :
“Make no mistake. This election is about the blood of innocence that covers this land and is in my ears. I have chosen a one who, if elected, will, within one year change the abortion practices in the land and will close doors of destruction that have been opened by it. The others, if elected, .... and he paused. I saw the nation as dry land being overblown by strong winds. I saw that things which had been covered by grace and mercy would be uncovered and doors of destruction would open. And he continued “ will cause winds to blow over the land and it will open the nation to the very things I long to protect you from. Make no mistake in understanding. One way or the other, through blessing or through spiritual poverty, I WILL use this next President.

I have heard cries for this election. And will not be short of hand.

You now need to carry it to full term.

Do not be tempted to abort this election.

Carry it to full term."

It's not over.
God has heard us asking for Him to place our next President.
He needs us to co-labor with Him in our prayers and faith for the miraculous.

What a wonderful demonstration of His glory for the most unlikely candidate to become our President.

Do not abort just because it looks unlikely.


Anonymous said...

Isa 42:1
"BEHOLD! My Servant (Jesus)whom I uphold,

My Elect One in whom My soul delights!
I have put My Spirit upon Him;
He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles.
Isa 42:2
He will not cry out, nor raise His voice,
Nor cause His voice to be heard in the street.
Isa 42:3
A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench;
He will bring forth justice for truth.
Isa 42:4
He will not fail nor be discouraged,
Till He has established justice in the earth;
And the coastlands shall wait for His law."

Isa 42:5
Thus says God the LORD,
Who created the heavens and stretched them out,
Who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it,
Who gives breath to the people on it,
And spirit to those who walk on it:
Isa 42:6
"I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness,
And will hold Your hand;
I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people,
As a light to the Gentiles,
Isa 42:7
To open blind eyes,
To bring out prisoners from the prison,
Those who sit in darkness from the prison house.
Isa 42:8
I am the LORD, that is My name;
And My glory I will not give to another,
Nor My praise to carved images.
Isa 42:9
Behold, the former things have come to pass,
And new things I declare;
Before they spring forth I tell you of them."

He who has an ear let them hear what the SPIRIT says to the church.

Anonymous said...

This has inspired me, just today I had said thats it- God WHY is this happening, there are so many people praying and fasting, why is Mike Huckabee being rejected. I have to tell you I've even been mad and haven't prayed as much as I have been. So tonight when I saw this, hope came back and now I need to repent for stopping too soon and get back on the prayer team. I don't know who you are but you have blessed me so much with this blog and I hope you will email me.

Brenda Landers
Conyers GA
praying mom of two boys 8 and 5

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting all this down! It's encouraged me greatly.

Sherri said...

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Several times over the last few months, I have often had the picture in my mind of Mike Huckabee’s hand on the Bible with his other hand raise and his wife standing next to him holding the Bible at the inauguration, so because of this image constantly flooding my mind, almost every day by faith I thank the Lord that Mike Huckabee is the 44th President of the US. Now some may say that you really don’t know if he is God’s choice; but His Word says that He directs us through His peace, if it isn’t something already written in His Word; and I can tell you explicitly that even through the rough moments of this primary, His peace has overwhelmed me and assured me that He is working through all things.

I wish there was a way that all of us who agree this way could blog between one another and share what the Lord is saying. If you have an e-mail you send out, I would love to be on it. My e-mail is

Anonymous said...

God has also impressed on me Mike Huckabee is who He wants. Reading your post has encouraged me to continue confessing and praying. The most recent statement God gave me is: "Part the Red Sea for Huckabee!" Stand firm and strong.

Anonymous said...

For you who said this:

The most recent statement God gave me is: "Part the Red Sea for Huckabee!"

Look at this article from Human Events and note the bold comments I highlighted:

Huck the Happy Warrior
by Jed Babbin
Posted: 02/18/2008

Mike Huckabee believes in miracles. But so must Republican nominee-in-waiting John McCain. It would take a political miracle for Huckabee to win the presidential nomination this year. But equally miraculous would be for McCain to unify a conservative Party around his moderate-to-liberal record.

Sen. McCain has so far made only a half-hearted effort to reach out to conservatives and appears disinterested in doing more. If McCain is to win in November, he has to do not just a little, but a lot more. On Friday, I spoke to Huckabee about several issues, beginning with the question of party unification.

Huckabee is the modern Republican equivalent of the Democrats’ Happy Warrior. As liberal as Huckabee is conservative, Senator and then Vice President Hubert Horatio Humphrey was smart, positive and comfortable in his own skin. And HHH had a tough streak underneath that smiling demeanor. It wasn’t easy to be vice president during the buildup years of the Vietnam War. Huck is another happy warrior in just as tough a time.

I asked him what Sen. McCain should do to unify the Party.

Huckabee began, as any social conservative might, with the Republican platform which has, in the past elections, propounded a “human life amendment” to the Constitution. Such an amendment would extend -- specifically -- the rights to Due Process and Equal Protection to the unborn. Legally, that amendment would make a lot of sense: when a life exists in a mother’s womb, that life is an American citizen. And the Constitution provides that no person’s life can be taken without due process of law.

Huckabee challenged McCain to not only support a Human Life Amendment, but also to champion it, saying “…it would be nice for him to take the stand that he would actually not only support the Human Life Amendment in the Republican platform again, but that he would support it. And seek to lead on it.”

McCain, like a number of the candidates who have already dropped out of the race, has not taken a “no tax increase” pledge. Huckabee says he should.

Huckabee credited McCain for standing on his principles, even when they are at odds with those of conservatives. On illegal immigration, on stem cell research and a host of other subjects, McCain hasn’t changed. But implicit in the credit to McCain was Huckabee’s criticism.

What if McCain changed his positions? Huckabee said, “I mean, that would be fine, I wish he would. But, frankly, if after all these years if he’s just now doing it, then you have to wonder is he just doing it just to convince us, or because he’s decided that it really is the best thing for the country. I mean, I don’t think he’s the kind of person who does things just to stake out a[n] alternative position.”

Huck is stuck, and so are we. McCain is who he is, and he’s not about to change. That’s one of the reasons Gov. Huckabee is still in the race.

Whether you like his politics or not, you have to admire his grit. Though the sea of delegates would have to part for him to march through to the nomination in September, Mike Huckabee isn’t giving up.

And why? He makes the obligatory promise to support the Party’s nominee whomever it is. I promised to not ask why he wasn’t dropping out of the race. He chuckled at that, but answered anyway.

“You know, I’m going to support our nominee, and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that person gets elected. I still hope it’s me. But, if it isn’t, than I’m not going to definitely say, ‘well, it’s my way or the highway.’ I’m going to accept the verdict of the voters.”

More than that, Huckabee says he’s hanging in the race because he thinks it’s his duty to those who have supported him. His populist streak came through loud and clear.

“And if people wonder why I’m hanging in there, whether I’m just stubborn or I’m being selfish, well, that’s not it at all. It’s because the people have made great sacrifices for my campaign.”

He added, “You know, the people who wrote me checks are not the people who can write 10 different $2300 checks to 10 different candidates and really not care who gets elected. People who are giving to my campaign are truck drivers, and janitors, and people, for whom $120 is a lot of money. They just want a government who’ll leave them alone, let them raise their families. And I owe them a lot more than just to walk off just like the John McCain supporters think I should.”

Hubert Humphrey, in his day, sounded much the same. Vice President Humphrey, the liberal, was catapulted to a presidential nomination when Lyndon Johnson saw he stood no chance at re-election. John McCain won’t step aside to make room for the social conservative Arkansan to run for the top job.

But by staying in the race, Huckabee can be a force to push the presumptive nominee to do more to unify the fractured Republican coalition.

Anonymous said...

I just have goose bumps from reading your post.

I stand in agreement with you that God's will, WILL be done.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Great blog. Now I know I'm really *not* crazy for thinking Huckabee has a chance to win. :)

Stan and Shannon Roberts said...

Yes, the parting of the Red Sea has come to my mind, even early in the new year. Confirmation... we are continuing in fervent prayer over here!!! Love Shan & Stan

Stan and Shannon Roberts said...

All of you have blessed me with your sweetness and your messages. I, too, agree that to stay connected would be wonderful. My e-mail address is:
And, I have saved the e-mail adresses on here.
Blessings and love,
Shannon Roberts, McDonough, GA