Have you ever ran up a sand dune? It seems like the sand keeps coming and you are getting nowhere! You know you must get to the top and stopping is not an option. You just keep looking at the ground every step, glancing up from time to time.
That's what this primary season feels like lately to those of us who's heart breaks everytime Mike Huckabee does not win a state primary.
LAst weekend , Mom was feeling quit apathetic, cranky, discouraged, tired and annoyed with the feeling of getting nowhere. She didn't even want to get out bed until she heard the sweet words of God in her spirit: "You know what this is, don't you? This is a spiritual attack. " He reminded her of something He'd said to her not too long ago, after another primary loss. "I haven't given up on Mike Huckabee, so don't you give up on him either."
So, she did what a good soldier does. She got up and purposed to keep pressing forward in praying for Mike Huckabee.
Sometimes we don't get to feel the effect of our prayers. That is where FAITH kicks in. We just have to know we will reap if we faint not.
Anything can still happen.
...a brokered convention
...something unexpected with McCain
This would be a good time to rent the movie "Facing the Giants", a true, yet almost unbelievable story of a losing footbal coach who encountered nothing less than repeated supernatural help as he turned to prayer over his career , financial desperation, infertility and everything else.
Dearest one,
I want to thank you for your posts on the election, especially for the one on Feb. 19th. I, too have a deep passion for this nation and a strong desire to see Huckabee as our next President. It is an uphill battle and I find myself often discouraged but your posts have encouraged me and kept me going. I don't seem to hear from God like you do about these things but I am determined to believe that God is with Mike and that all things are possible. Thank you so much and tell your dear mom that I love and appreciate her.
This will encourage all who are voting for Mike Huckabee for President and standing by him until the end, for it is promoting God's agenda by doing so:-)
I posted this last night on Mike's website, and I spent the next moments, hours with the Lord. He kept reminding me how pleased He is with all of us, that the whole host of heaven is cheering us on. If only we could see in the heavenlies, to see what is truly going on. We can all agree that we have never seen so much demonic warfare in an election: personally, corporately, and nationally. This proves that we are on the right side. The attacks, the wickedness, the corruption is coming against us like never before (we are coming up against the biggest stronghold in our land--abortion; and the enemy does not want to let it go)... but Thine (Jesus) is the power, the glory, the honor, forever and ever, amen. He showed me Psalm 125 where it says that the wicked shall not rule over the righteous, for then the righteous may be tempted to sin (side note: though all this corruption and disgustingness makes us loathe sin even more). Today, he showed me that we are like a locomotive: powerful, made of steel (from His power and Spirit), starting slow, building force and momentum, gaining power and speed, so once it is at full speed, it cannot be stopped--immoveable, unshakeable, fast, powerful, forceful (the violent take the kingdom by force). Read both Psalm 125 & Psalm 21.
The Lord spoke to me in the midst of it all last night: Do not fear, Little Flock, do you now know that I have desired to and determined to give you the kingdom of heaven. For, it is His good pleasure to do so. We please Him! He said, as I chose not to watch the polls last night (as usual) and not to even read the blog, but instead to worship Him... He said, "Have you not heard, do you not know, that I spoke the world into existence. Is My hand too short or too dull to save?" Oh, no, you, O Lord can do in one day what it would take man 1000 years!! I believe, we believe. If God is for us, who can be against us?
I posted this last night on Mike's website, and I spent the next moments, hours with the Lord. He kept reminding me how pleased He is with all of us, that the whole host of heaven is cheering us on. If only we could see in the heavenlies, to see what is truly going on. We can all agree that we have never seen so much demonic warfare in an election: personally, corporately, and nationally. This proves that we are on the right side. The attacks, the wickedness, the corruption is coming against us like never before (we are coming up against the biggest stronghold in our land--abortion; and the enemy does not want to let it go)... but Thine (Jesus) is the power, the glory, the honor, forever and ever, amen. He showed me Psalm 125 where it says that the wicked shall not rule over the righteous, for then the righteous may be tempted to sin (side note: though all this corruption and disgustingness makes us loathe sin even more). Today, he showed me that we are like a locomotive: powerful, made of steel (from His power and Spirit), starting slow, building force and momentum, gaining power and speed, so once it is at full speed, it cannot be stopped--immoveable, unshakeable, fast, powerful, forceful (the violent take the kingdom by force). Read both Psalm 125 & Psalm 21.
The Lord spoke to me in the midst of it all last night: Do not fear, Little Flock, do you now know that I have desired to and determined to give you the kingdom of heaven. For, it is His good pleasure to do so. We please Him! As I chose not to watch the polls last night (as usual) and not to even read the blog, but instead to worship Him... He said, "Have you not heard, do you not know, that I spoke the world into existence. Is My hand too short or too dull to save?" Oh, no, you, O Lord can do in one day what it would take man 1000 years!! I believe, & we believe. If God is for us, who can be against us? Glory be to God! He, too, reminded me that he is not like man to lie, His promises are yes and amen, and He wants me to trust what He has spoke to me and many others, despite what it looks like. He has encouraged me more than once to walk by faith and not by sight (natural eyes, circumstances, etc.). And, the beautiful thing is that when Mike stands before the Lord, and when we stand before the Lord, for running after God's heart and agenda to abolish abortion and for making a stand, not just by voting (though this is crucial), but by supporting and endorsing God's choice for President, we are crying out for those who cannot cry out for themselves and making a stand in the heavenlies against this injustice and abomination in God's sight, against those who are oppressing the unborn. Our reward in heaven is great, and we are being watch and rejoiced over by the whole host of heaven, pleasing our Lord first and foremost.
With love to all, Shannon. Here is the post from last night:
Stan & Shannon Roberts
02/20/2008 01:03 AM
Oh, Lord, I thank You that You are in control, and though we cannot see with our natural eyes, there is a war raging in the heavenlies, and not one prayer is unheard and not one word out of Your mouth shall fall to the ground until it has accomplished that which it purposed. I am so reminded of Daniel, his petitions, his pleas, his cries to You, O Most High. He had found favor in Your sight for his diligence, perseverance, trust, humility, and Godliness... oh, Lord, You sent many messenger and warring angels through his prayers and intercessions. Michael battles the prince of Persia because Daniel sought You. (Daniel 10:13) "The prince of the kingdom of Persia kept me from coming for 21 days; but Michael one of the chief princes came to assist me so that I was no longer needed with the kings of Persia." Daniel had a 21-day fast of no meat or pleasant food or wine. Sometimes this kind does not go out but by prayer and fasting.
We war not against flesh and blood but against powers, principalities, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians).
Saints, this goes beyond what we can see in the natural, we are truly battling against the unseen forces, and our weapons of warfare are not carnal but they are mighty in God to pull down every stronghold...
Little flock, do not fear or despair, do you not know that Your heavenly Father takes great pleasure in and plans to give you the kingdom of heaven!
Though the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, the violent take it by force! Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, oh, Father, on earth as it is in heaven!!!
Daniel 7:21 "I watched as the horn made war with the holy ones and was winning, until the Ancient One came, judgment was given in favor of the holy ones (saints) of the Most High, and the time came for the holy ones to take over the kingdom."
(v 25-27) "he will speak words against the Most High and try to exhaust the holy ones of the Most High. He will attempt to alter the season and the Law; and the holy ones will be handed over for a time, times, and a half of time. But when the court goes in session, he will be stripped of his rulership, which will be consumed and completely destroyed. Then the kingdom, the rulership, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the holy people of the Most High. Their kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey them."
Psalm 27:3 "If an army encamps against me, my heart will not fear; if war breaks out against me, even then will I keep trusting."
(Ps 27:4) "Just one thing have I asked of the Lord, only this will I seek: to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to see the beauty of the Lord and visit in His temple."
We are in this together, until we see the goodness of the Lord, His glory that shall fill the whole earth. Keep doing what is right, because no matter what then you stand right before God! When all is said and done, this is what matters.
My husband and I will remain supporting Huckabee 100%, as the Lord has commanded us to and as we have been so overwhlemingly blessed since we have (internally). Such a blessing comes from pleasing the Lord!!! You all are pleasing the Lord, do not forget. That is what matters, You are pleasing the Lord.
The Lord waited until the last 39 seconds to give David Tyree the miracle play, and now David Tyree is still publically giving God the glory, giving Jesus the glory, for turning around his life a few years ago!! We must continually give God the glory, as you all are so faithfully doing. And, I have never seen a Presidential candidate give God so much glory, and Mike will be rewarded before heaven, as so many of you will, as well. This is what matters... the whole host of heavens are watching us, all of the saints who have gone before us and the whole army and angels of God are watching and cheering us on. You see, we are doing what God desires, we are seeking and running hard after His agenda. Mike is running hard after God's agenda, to end abortion. It is not over, and we have the armies and the courts of heaven behind us, more importantly, we have the Lord behind us, in us, surrounding us, holding us up... if the Lord be for us, who can be against us. We will not bow the knee to ba'al, and God sees this. He sees, He hears, and He knows!
I still believe, all things are possible with God. Keep pressing into Him, brothers and sisters, not out of what you "do" but just in intimacy and "being" with Him in that quiet, secret place:-) To Jesus be the glory! In His love!
Below are two encouraging messages (articles) from Charisma magazine:
Teens Protest Negative Media
An estimated 500 youth gathered in Times Square recently to protest the cultural degradation, which they say, is quickly destroying their culture. Dubbed Recreate ’08, Teen Mania’s first event in 2008, also encouraged the students to use their gifts—writing, fashion design and Web design—in positive ways to help affect change in the media. “With the Internet at your fingertips you don’t need a multimillion dollar broadcast facility to get your message out to the world,” Ron Luce, founder of Teen Mania said addressing young people. “So go, do that, and shape your generation rather than basically being a culture zombie doing what the culture tells you to do.”
Americans Want a President Accountable to God
A recent nationwide poll revealed that most Americans want a president who possesses biblical principles of leadership. The Zogby Poll, conducted for the American Bible Society, shows by far that the most important virtues are truthfulness and integrity. And respondents said they want a president that understands accountability to God and has a servant mentality. Six in 10 said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who speaks publicly about following the example of leaders from the Bible and who uses the Bible consistently for public and personal matters. According to Zogby, most of those surveyed, 78 percent, view candidates citing Scripture when discussing political stances as positive. Almost 50 percent said they would not vote for a presidential candidate who did not believe in God. But 20 percent said they would vote for someone who did not believe in God and 20 percent said this would not affect their vote. The poll surveyed 1,008 adults, and nearly one-quarterCharisma Online is a service of
Charisma magazine and Strang Communications, copyright 2008.
Strang Communications, 600 Rinehart Rd., Lake Mary, FL 32746
said they were born again.
Thank all of you for posting on this site. It is a great comfort to know we are not alone in our thoughts and feelings about Mike Huckabee.
I have felt a calm in my Spirit the past day and a half. Still the call to pray and confess is there, but a peace in my soul for the work we have all done and are still doing.
I have confirmation in my Spirit for 10 million (dollars) for Mike. Let us all step up and get it done. We are children of The King. I see people with the resources stepping up to the plate to get the true man of God, our righteous leader, elected. Glory to God alone!
Love and Prayers to all
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