For the season I was consumed with praying for the election the anointing was undeniable. Just as undeniable was that it lifted the day that Mike admitted to loss and left the race. To push on with prayers that are nothing less than a work of the flesh based on human reasoning would deny the genuine faith with which the prayers were release.
I am positive that every prayer for him to be made our President is DONE so the only thing left for me to do is stand and confirm with thanksgiving.
I don't know how and when - but he will be President.
I do believe that the plan is for him to be McCain's VP.
Last night I actually dreamed that McCain died before the convention.
I cannot whip up an anointing to pray. Maybe you can. if you can, please do!
I am calling for JM to have visions, dreams and convictions that will compel him to select Mike Huckabee as VP Running Mate asap.
More than anything though, I am consumed with joy that the prayer we've been crying with for a long time " OH God, Send Revival to America"..IS HERE!
If you have GodTV, you must must must watch everynight at 7.
If you don't, go to the live webfeed.
Go to and follow the links to watch live.
Hi. I enjoyed your comments. I'm still praying regularly that God will put Mike in office. Your dream about McCain is interesting. I've read that most of the time when you dream about somebody dying, you're really dreaming about yourself symbolically. Regardless, God often used literal dreams in the Bible to impart crucial information to His people. So, your dream about McCain could well be prophetic. Anyway, let's keep hanging in there--I think we all agree God's not finished yet! :)
I, too, have been praying that John McCain will be filled with the Spirit. I, too, have had feelings that something dreadful is about to happen, not only to him, but to our country. I pray the Lord will lead us through. Thanks for the link;
God Bless us and keep us.
April 30, 2008
I am bringing to America a fearless President. A President that will awaken the nations to hear the voice of America... for the next generation and the mighty earthquake that happens shortly after the President enters in will allow the people to know that I am shaking a death in this nation to a rebirth.
i have had similar word's about this matter and know that something unusual will indeed happen.
Dear Anita, I have just read this for the first time. I have had similar dreams, Anita. Especially in February-March. I am praying for his healing and his salvation (of John McCain). Yes, dreams and visions would be exceptional, also. It is interesting that your dream was before the convention, many have prophesied that Huckabee would win at the convention. I am open for however God can do it, although I do also believe Mike will be President and that it is also about abortion. I believe Mike is God's choice, as this is among what the Lord revealed to me on 2-2-08 while He was imparting into me during in a visitation/heavenly trance (strongest encounter with the Lord I have ever had). The encounter was 2 hours and the part about Mike was only a minute or so, though important and, like you said, ending abortion is foremost on God's heart for this election. WOW! I stand in agreement with y'all's fervor, passion and fire for/of GOD to see His will be done!
John McCain has a praying grandmother and I believe God uses all things for His purposes. I also believe that the prayers have already been answered, like you have said (He told me the week before the Texas primary that if we did not pray one single more pray, it has already been accomplished--in the heavenlies), and we just have to stand still and watch the salvation of our God. It is so good to testify to Him and His promises, and it even encourages me once again to talk about this!! Your direction of being careful with our thoughts, mouth, and our faith, are well-written and well-advised, and well-taken! :-) May God be true and every man a liar, meaning no matter what the reports say, let us believe God's Word! I stand in faith with you, sister, for God's PERFECT WILL to be done! And, I ask the Lord for forgiveness for missing nights on the wall (sleepy), our flesh is weak but the Spirit is willing, yet, mainly we must just stand firm, hold fast, watch, wait, stay alert, be vigilant, for our redemption/deliverance draweth nigh! :-) And, as you have said, Anita, and Sherri, and many others, let us just keep praising, thanking, and worshipping Him, as Jehosephat and the priests, for the battle is the LORD's, and He fights for us! There are times He will lead us to pray and fight, by His Spirit, but we must just be attuned with His Spirit (for instance, lately, He has me praying for Israel and our troops/missionaries, against terrorism), sometimes, He has me focused on the weather. Y'all no what I am saying:-) Yet, what a peace of His river flowing, in Florida, Atlanta, and all over, right now. May we just stay in the flow of His sweet river of Life and Spirit! May He be glorified in all things. My husband and I read Ezekiel 20 again, which is such a reflection of America right now. The high place they worshipped was called Bamah in Hebrew (means high place). Idolatry and immorality were key then, and now, yet God in His great mercy, redeemed, rescued, and restored Israel, and rid the land of the evil, by His own arm (Isaiah 52). Obama's name is so close to Bamah, high place. Yet, the last paragraph of Ezekiel 20:32-44 shows how the Lord will intervene with His love, compassion, and wrath. I see Him intervening with this beautiful outpouring of His healing, love, Holy Spirit, by His own arm! We praise You, Jesus. We thank You, Daddy, in the Name of Jesus! I love you all, and let us love and spur one another on, even more, as we see the Day approaching! Yee-Haw and Hooray to Jesus from this Texas sister, HalleluYAH! We give HIM all the glory:-)
Love, Shannon Roberts
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