I participate in quite a few prayer meetings. Many times the people with the best words are praying/reading scriptures. It's all good but I wonder if God is thinking what I'm thinking sometimes..."What exactly are they praying for?"
Can I get real?
I long to hear gutsy prayers from people who have the hutspah to ask God for what they really want. When I was a teenager, I didn't ask my Dad if it was his will to let me borrow the car. I wanted the car and boldly, yet sweetly, asked him for the keys and extra money for gas and good times.
God is a much better Father than my Dad. He really wants me to ask for my heart's desire.
I'm totally His and have delighted myself completely in Him. He's planted those desires in me and then promised to give them to me.
The next President of the United States will effect the world.
Wishfully, by now all of us have prayed a first prayer like this one:
" Who do you want to be our next President? Tell me, then tell me how to pray to bring it about."
..and we didn't let up until He answered and confirmed.
Listening to many folk, I'm sad to hear only a rare few ones who seem positively persuaded as a result of such prayers and answers.
Yet there are some of us who have invested years of praying for the next President in the manner I just described. We are convinced that God has clearly answered.
I've spelled out lot's of how we've heard in earlier posts on this blog.
I'm 100% convinced that God longs to give us a President who will defend unborn babies and act towards ending abortion. He has worked through the young ones praying at the Call, the different HOP's and similar events to get this message burned into the hearts of His people.
During the past year, many have had visions, prophetic unctions and revelations which point out that God has chosen and prepared Mike Huckabee as His gift to our nation. Intercessors across America, who don't know each other, have been persuaded that His plan to make Mike President is through the Vice Presidency with John McCain.
Lately God has spoken a strong warning through reputable famous prophets and little praying Grandmothers saying "God gave us our current President as a gift and is watching how we treat him in our prayers, actions and words. He's watching and weighing whether another Gift will be given to us. "
My dear friend Leo said, truly, that a great move of God most often comes in bad political and social times.
Could that be because we, His people, didn't connect the dots enough to do what is right
until it's in our face in very sad circumstances?
We must honor, cover, defend and bless President Bush who has been a great benefactor to Christianity? I recall the years prior to President Bush when it felt almost illegal to be an open Christian in work and market place. He came in with Faith Based Initiatives, Constitution- reading- Judges and other subtle acts that have cascaded down. The head of the nation was openly Christian and now we are OUT of the closet! Hooray!
Don't sit around in despondency. This is the time to express great appreciation for what God has given us during the last 8 years.
And for the sake of the world who will be highly impacted by our prayers, and this election -
pretty please
with sugar on top -
Get some hutspa to your prayers! Have the guts to ask Him plainly , to decree boldly. If you can't ask God to put a specific man in office, why even bother to vote?
I'm not praying "if it by thy will...." . I already asked for Him to reveal His will.
- I'm asking specifically. A four year old could hear my prayer and know exactly what I'm looking for. Whatever I ask the Father, in Jesus' name, is given.
I'm praying like a full blown child who knows my Father.
I hope you will too. James 1: 5 - 8 Ask for wisdom then pray and don't be wishy washy.
I have never read your blog. I found it on Leonard's blog. You bring up Mike Huckabee as vp being someting on God's heart. I can attest that I have had those same feelings without listening to other people saying that. I said as soon as Mike bowed out of the race that the only way I would vote to McCain is if he selected Mike as his running mate. The thing is, is that it's not too late. He has not chosen one yet. I don't believe that God would put something this huge on our hearts if He didn't want us to pray for that. Lou Engle has said that if God doesn't convert leaders, He can remove them. I don't ever wish that on a potential leader (Godly or not), but we have to be comforted that if this man is elected, God can use those in his sphere of influence to change his heart. If not, the vp is the next in line.
I have prayed for God to raise up Mike to lead this nation. I have prayed for God to radically reach John McCain AND Obama. Wouldn't it be wonderful if both of them realized that abortion is a major issue that God will judge us for and they repent of behalf of this nation? It can happen, in the name of Jesus! We should all be bold enough to IMPLORE of God to do this.
In love,
Sal from Arkansas
As always, nice post.
I have a few comments. Concerning whether it's God's will for Huckabee to be VP right now (as opposed to staying off a possible losing ticket and running in 2012 instead), not everyone has heard from God about this. If you feel God has spoken His will to you specifically, then by all means it's right for you to pray for this outcome adamantly. It's just that I've seen a lot of so-called prophecies about what was going to happen that didn't pan out. For instance, one person said she believed that God showed her that Hillary would be running in the election against (I think) Mike. At this point, it's very unlikely that we'll see Hillary in the top spot unless something happens to Obama.
I guess my point is that lots of people claim to "hear" things from God, but often, while they mean well, they are mistaken. It seems that everybody is saying, "God told me this" or "God told me that." I think it's far more accurate (and humble) to say, "It felt like God was saying this to me" or "It seems as though God told me this." After all, in the Bible (in Deuteronomy), all it took was one false prophecy for a person to be labeled a false prophet, and after that they were to be ignored.
So, if person doesn't feel he knows God's will per se on this matter, I don't think it's wrong to pray "if it's Your will." OTOH, I don't think it's strictly necessary to pray "if it's Your will" either, because if it isn't God's will, then it won't happen anyway. :)
I guess I'm saying that I think it's important not to invest too much emotionally into a certain decision being God's will. For instance, many of us felt that Huckabee *had* to be the Republican nominee; and when McCain won the needed delegates, we were devastated. I'm not going to do that again. I'm going to pray for Huckabee to be the VP, but at the same time, if McCain doesn't pick him, I'm going to trust that God is still working things out and has other plans. I'm not saying that everyone should do that--that's just my own personal viewpoint.
Concerning President Bush, while I'm appreciative of him in certain ways (I voted for him and he's far better than Kerry), I don't feel that he's been a very Christian President. A few reasons:
a) he failed to do anything about the Terri Schiavo situation; he could have done something to intervene
b) he failed to speak out sternly about human-rights violations in China; personally, I think he should have (at minimum) boycotted the opening ceremony at the Olympics
c) he and his father basically endorsed McCain with open arms instead of Huckabee; IOW, it seems that they're Republicans first and Christians second.
d) he started the war in Iraq under false premises (or at least that's what I believe); although there are differing opinions on the matter, I personally do not believe it was God's will for us to invade Iraq--I think it violated many biblical principles. I believe it was man's will, not God's.
IMO, the best thing George Bush has done is to appoint two conservative judges to the Supreme Court. Anyway, not all Christians are going to agree about Bush, but those are my humble opinions.
OK, back to the main topic. I think we all want Huckabee as veep, so let's keep praying away! :)
Hello Anonymous,
I would like to respond to your comments. From what I understand, PrayingHyde is saying that she believes it is God’s will for Mike Huckabee to be President. Yet, it appears to her and many that the Lord is doing this through the VP position. Again, her focus is on the fact that the Lord has chosen Mike to be President because the number one pressing issue for Election 2008 is to END ABORTION. I share with her both the belief and many actual words from the Lord on this issue. I do believe that God has chosen Mike from what He has spoken to me, yet it does not mean that we should not do our part: pray, seek God’s face, repent for the sins of our nation and the innocent bloodshed (which I believe many of us have done and have been doing, which is why I DO believe that God will intervene). I believe we need to stay close to God right now, stand on His word (Bible and spoken words to us personally through Holy Spirit, or words which we have sought Him about). It is good for people to be bold about what the Lord has told them (it is not a lack of humility), however, it is our duty to know God ourselves and to seek His face pertaining to such important issues as this election, not always relying on others. God’s greatest desire is for us to know Him personally and to hear from Him ourselves. His word says that He does nothing without first revealing to His prophets (Old Testament); (New testament is that He has poured His Spirit out on ALL flesh and all who know Him and our sealed in the Spirit have the ability to hear from Him just as the prophets of Old Testament and even greater—read 1 Peter 1:10 “the prophets, who prophesied about this gift of deliverance that was meant for you, pondered and inquired diligently about it…” it seems that we have been given a greater revelation of God through the Messiah in us, by the Holy Spirit, than even the prophets of old.) I myself have always claimed that everyone is given the Spirit which allows them to hear from God, and that the prophetic is simply hearing from God (to put it very generally). I know when God speaks directly to me, and it is direct revelation. However, dreams, to me, are indirect revelation, that to which must be interpreted versus a “thus saith the Lord” (which this kind are the messages from the Lord you know are from Him without a shadow of a doubt). For instance, I have had visitations from the Lord and messages directly from Him, which I know those messages are direct revelation, and I do not doubt them but instead listen, trust, and obey them. When it comes to direct revelation from the Lord, our only response should be to trust and obey, of course. To doubt would be sin. It does not mean that all of us do not make mistakes, but that we try to respond with trust and obey, fear of God not fear of man: seeking His Kingdom, will, purpose, and agenda first. A visitation from the Lord is very different from having a dream from the Lord. Even Paul said we prophesy in part (which prophecy can come from a dream versus the reality of say His Damascus encounter which Paul did not ever doubt the reality and validity of what was spoken to Him by Jesus). I say all this to say, we can misinterpret a dream versus direct revelation or a direct word spoken from the Lord. Or, there may be double meanings in dreams just as there are double meanings in Scripture. I am not sure who this is to know if you were referring to a dream I had about Hilary Clinton, or if you read about my dream somewhere, as I generally did not publicize a focus on Clinton moreso than the victory of the Christians and about Huckabee, and ending abortion. I did speak of the dream I had as pertinent of this election cycle and even the general election. First of all, when I first had the dream, I did not know about Hilary running for President—it was almost a year ago & I usually did not watch the news, but prayed on issues that the Lord put on my heart and that my husband or our prayer team targeted—ending abortion and a godly President have always been my two highest targets for this election, among others, that the Lord has told me to pray about). The dream was about two types of people in the Church, those who were jumping in the river and revival and those who were sitting in the pews being spectators of the pulpit and missing the River of God; the next scene was a group of Christians watching Hilary Clinton on TV, running against the Christian man we were rooting for (at this time, I did not know it was Mike, God would later reveal). In the dream, we were not fearful about Hilary winning, we knew that we, the Christians, had the victory. Again, the main point being Light against darkness, and the Christians (true followers of Christ) being preserved and victorious. We were gathered in unity and with joy in the Lord, and we had no fear of Hilary or the spirit behind her (which we knew in the dream was the Jezebel spirit). Upon waking, I knew that this meant the Jezebel spirit (Jezebel offered child sacrifice through her worship of ba’al (idolatry) and asherah (immorality)—these are being worshipped in our land today, as the Jezebel spirit is running rampant (read the rebuke to the Church of Thyratira) and you can see how this fits America. I specifically knew that this was also the demonic spirits/strongholds and innocent bloodshed of abortion in our land (the Jezebel spirit against us Christians) and how we needed to come against it in Jesus Name, via prayer, seeking God, and actively! I later found out that Hilary was running in the election (apparently for awhile she had not released it). When the Lord reveals something, it is to pray and seek His face (as Daniel sought for the nation of Israel in his day), and as God said to Solomon (if My people—the Church—shall humble themselves, seek My face, repent-turn from their evil ways, then I will heal their land). I did blog about my dream before, and I, and others, have prayed feverishly that both Clinton and Obama would be taken out, and I have prayed that McCain would also be taken out. Well, the Lord never said to me directly that Hilary would be in the general election, yet I had a peace that, as long as we seek God (as many have), the Lord would and will intervene in this election and we would be victorious! The Lord has said to me that this election—first and foremost on His heart is to end abortion, and He has also said to me that He has chosen Mike (this was during a visitation from the Lord on 2-2-08). On about 3-5-08, I shared with a sister in Christ about my dream of Hilary [after having another dream the day before Mike stepped down, 3-3-08 that the Christians (us) were winning the competitor (the enemy)]—again Light versus dark. We were waiting as the votes were being counted for all of the states for many hours (meaning general election versus primaries)—yet, there was no direct revelation of who the people running were in this dream. Anyway, this sister believed that this dream and the one of Hilary (since it was only Hilary against the Christians in the dream) both meant and constituted the general election. I agreed, and had prayed about that and against both Clinton and Obama (having no fear of them winning, but a peace that God’s man would win). I must say, that the Lord moves on behalf of His people versus non-Christians (If My people, which are called by My name, would humble themselves, seek My face, repent; then, I will hear from heaven and heal their land); so, it is very much determinant on us! PrayingHyde is right to make declarations that Mike be President and to believe and pray for God’s direct revelation to her that He has chosen Mike for President and to come in alignment with HIS heart, HIS will (it is never God’s will for innocent babies to be killed, His will is for this to be stopped!), His agenda to end abortion!!! I am sure you all agree. I am not sure if you had heard from someone else that they had a direct revelation about Hilary, but I wanted to clear this up to you, so you did not become discouraged, frustrated, or disbelieving of God’s people or God’s revelations to His people, or even what He might have said to you, that because of circumstances, do not seem like they are coming to pass. It was easy to believe based on my dream that it meant Hilary would be in the general election, but it was never a direct revelation from God to me, as His revelation about His desire to end abortion and about choosing Mike was (which again, He reveals things for us to pray and seek His face, to intercede believe—yet, how He will do it, I am not sure, and I do believe it is determinant on us His Church, trusting and obeying Him). Lastly, the meaning of Jezebel and abortion are clear of the double-meaning of this dream: (1) how abortion is directly pertinent to this election; and (2) it was a revelation to me that she was even running in the primary, as at that point, I did not know nor had it been revealed to the public, I believe. I was not disappointed nor confused when she lost to Obama--God is hearing the prayers of His people and I still believe in the victory. Unfortunately, Hilary is still linked to this election because of her stance on abortion, which is the same as Obama. Praying to the Lord about taking Clinton and Obama out of the race altogether, is so pivotal, and focusing on praying to end abortion and a Godly President, Amen! Sorry if this caused you any confusion, or if it was someone else you were referring. To God be the glory ALWAYS and forever! May His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth and in America, as it is in Heaven!!! The Call DC was awesome, and I do believe the Lord has heard the many cries from heaven. Let us stick it out together, in unity of heart and Spirit (Psalm 133), for we are in this together, and God is well-pleased with us who seek His heart and strive for His will and His Kingdom FIRST! We will see victory, for He is coming soon, and as you have said, He is the real KING!!!
In His Love,
Hi. Thanks for your message. I agree with much of what you said, but respectfully differ on a few points. I read somewhere about the Hillary dream several months ago--I don't remember who said it. But no need to apologize--it wasn't you who caused me any confusion. :)
>It is good for people to >be bold about what the >Lord has told them (it >is not a lack of >humility)
The problem is, people are very often mistaken. So many people claim to have direct revelations from God, but these revelations are very often shown to be false. I don't doubt their sincerity--just their accuracy. Because of human fallibility, I do think it is a lack of humility to state directly "God told me this" instead of "It seems that God told me this." The latter shows an awareness that we do not hear perfectly.
>His Damascus encounter >which Paul did not ever >doubt the reality and >validity of what was >spoken to Him by Jesus
That was totally different--Paul never got any words from God wrong! :)
>Lord has said to me that >this election—first and >foremost on His heart >is to end abortion,
I believe that. But it seems obvious that unless McCain dies before being nominated next week, Mike will not be President this term. After the nomination, Palin would be the nominee if he died. Now, somehow God *could* remove both McCain and Palin, but that sounds kind of freaky. It seems to me as if all the words/revelations about Mike getting elected this time around were misheard or mistaken. What else can a person logically conclude at this point? I hope I'm wrong, but I don't know what else to think.
Now, I do believe it is God's *will* for Mike to be President. Maybe in 2012 perhaps? Anyway, we certainly need to keep praying, but it seems that God has a very different plan for Mike than lots of folks have been claiming.
Thanks again for responding, Shannon. We definitely agree that we need a godly President, and that Mike would make a great fit. Let's keep believing that God will work things out! :)
Oh, Sam,
Hi, I just got your message:-) I would LOVE to write more later when I have more time. The main point I will say is that the Lord never told me that Mike would definitely be President. He told me that HE (Jesus) had chosen Mike for President. I believe in the power in prayer, and that the Lord is preserving His people through this season, but I just wanted to clarify that:-) I will expand more later.... thanks for all of your comments!
IN Jesus, Shannon
Hi again,
I very much believe that God's will is/was for Mike to be President, even in 2008. I think that is why so many of us have had such an unexplainable passion for Mike to be President... it has been placed there by the Holy Spirit, because it is from the Father's heart. I think this is why everyone had been so grieved, many even yesterday upon hearing that Huckabee was not chosen (including me). I have to admit, from the beginning, I had such a passion that it would be wrong for Mike to be Vice President because then we would all be compromising with McCain, so in a way, this is what I was hoping from the beginning (yet, I really had, along the way, hoped that McCain would choose Mike). My main point is that Mike being President is placed on our hearts and spirits from God Himself, for, as we all have agreed, the Lord Himself has chosen Mike. This does not mean that the Lord will ever force His will upon the people. When the Lord has visited me during a heavenly trance (the first time that ever happened to me), it was not solely to talk to me about Mike. He only spoke a few sentences to me about Mike, in the 2 hours He spoke to me. His heart is definitely for abortion to end, and this election (in God's eyes and heart) is about abortion ending... His will has always been for abortion to end... yet, it does not mean that He forces His will on us, because humans have free will and free choice. I believe the Lord revealed His heart to us and moved us by His Spirit of His choice for President, and we were obedient to Him, to seek and zealously pursue His heart that Mike would be President in 2008. I believe the Lord prompted us for a reason and a purpose.... to unite His Body, to separate His remnant that is obedient to His voice and His heart and yielded to His Spirit (there will be rewards in heaven for those who have stood for righteousness in this whole endeavor... keeping both the faith and justice, and love; and there will continue to be rewards;-), to pray and seek His face (He has drawn so many closer to Him through this, and as He told me once, many would be saved through our prayers, this primary and election process, and Mike, etc.), oh, there is still so much fruit that has been accomplished through all of this, and God is so beautiful to have placed such a burden and fervency & passion to pray and run hard after His heart (in seeking a Godly leader and to end abortion, to see revival in the Land).... so much has and will be accomplished! It is not over yet, and nothing is impossible with God. I have to repent for not praying more fervently the past few months. We have had some deaths and sickness in the family, and the devil is king of distraction, but I have no excuses. I slept on the wall a few times and have not been fully obedient in the past few months, as I was before that time. Still, it is never too late, and the main thing is Mike is greater than an earthly king, he and all of us are kings and queens (prince and princesses) royalty of another, greater Kingdom, of course. We all, along with Mike, are ushering in, and preparing the way, for the coming of the Lord! The night when Mike stepped down (Texas primary), the Lord had propelled my husband and me with the words of God to Samuel, which we shared with Mike, that they (the people) are not rejecting Mike, they are rejecting God. God has shown me in His word, how often America has been called spiritual Israel (even being called to the land in the west--from England, which our forefathers said was Providence)--well, God showed me Ezekiel 20 and how there are three groups, a remnant who have not bowed to ba'al or "Bamah (Hebrew name for high places, altars of idols)", the backslidders who return to the Lord as He pours out His Spirit and are rebuked by the Lord yet very lovingly and mercifully; and then the evildoers, who are expelled from the land. We know the time is short, and that this is much bigger than just politics, as all of you have also said and believed, praise the Lord! Now, I really did believe that Mike would be President in 2008. I am glad that the Lord did not tell us otherwise, or we might have thought it was hopeless to pray; yet, so much fruit has been birthed out of our prayers. The Lord wanted us to know He had chosen Mike, because had we not, we might not have prayed and sought Him so fervently, and again, there will be rewards for standing for His heart and will, and for righteousness. I do not think I misintepreted the Lord, He is grieved, as we are, that America rejected Mike, because in doing so, they are really rejecting Him, not Mike. Many are allowing the murder of innocent babies, and this grieves Daddy's heart, that is why we are grieving. It was not just us wanting Mike to be President, it was God wanting Mike to be President, for He Himself had chosen and prepared Mike for this position. This is what I strongly believe, and this is why, His Spirit, in us has propelled us in such a way. Anita is sooo right. Sarah Palin might be a good choice, but I do not believe she was God's choice for President, as the Lord has told many of us that Mike has been His choice, and that is why we are so grieved. Yet, I do believe that our God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ever know, comprehend, or think. I am delighted to have been part of such great company, the Body of Christ, running the race in alignment with God's Spirit, heart, and will, with all of you, and we shall continue! With perseverance... until we behold Him as He really is, in the fullness of His glory, when we meet Him in the air, at the trump sound, which I believe is very soon:-) Until then, let's keep praying for His will, for Mike to be President 2008! :-) It is not over, until God says so, and I am repenting to Him and to all of you for not being as vigilant in prayer during my time of grief (over loss of loved ones)... the devil is a liar, and we need to be about the Father's business!!! :) I am a part of a nightly, hourly prayer watch in which we have been praying for the election, but I am calling some of my other prayer warrior friends to see if they will still pray with me, after sooo long! Woowheee... yippee kyyiyah, HalleluYAH! I can feel that one!!! IN Jesus' Name. To God be the glory, for now and forevermore!!! Love, Shannon (& Stan)
By the way, I agree that we should be careful what we say is from the Lord. The Lord never told me to start proclaiming Mike for President, but He did propel my heart and spirit toward Mike by His Spirit and by telling me that he had chosen Mike. After that, I was propelled to start actively seeking this too, in obedience, as all of you, praise God! I do agree that many people are saying things, which is why we should be wise as serpents, innocent as doves, and discerning of spirits, as well as discerning in general of what we hear, so I agree wholeheartedly with you! And, for the record, I myself have not had a 100% Damascus encounter (I don't think), although I have had some amazing encounters with God, even heavenly, if I can use that term; and, I have had a very intimate relationship with the Lord, bragging only on Him, not me... He just has loved on me like no other, and I am blessed by His love. I am kinda the one who never knew love until I met Jesus, and who loves to sit at His feet more than anything, and who has definitely been forgiven much (became a Christian at age 27). Anyway, much love and many blessings to all of you wonderful, beloved brothers and sisters, and Holy Spirit-inspired Huckabee supporters. Shan
Thanks for your comments. First, I would like to extend my sincere condolences on the loss of your loved ones.
Thank you for clarifying more about what you feel God has spoken to you concerning Mike. I guess what I would like to know is this: what does it mean for God to choose someone in this context? If God has chosen Mike for President (and is preparing him for the office), why would He even bother if it won't come to fruition? Has God ever chosen any past U.S. Presidents who never entered office, and did he choose any kings in the Bible who never ascended the throne?
I guess I would like to understand better the whole notion of "choosing" here, assuming that was the precise word God spoke. Now, from reading the Internet over the past few months, I do know that (going by memory) some people did out and out proclaim that Mike *would* be President. But I'm glad you clarified that that's not exactly what God said to you.
Yes, it makes sense that Americans were not rejecting Huckabee per se, but rejecting God. Of course, some Christians were simply undiscerning, I feel, and thought Romney or Thompson would have made good picks. (Don't even get me started about Pat Robertson. :P)
Regardless of whether Mike becomes President (which I'm still not counting out yet), all the good fruit produced from our prayers and efforts (as you mentioned) will certainly have made things worthwhile--not to mention the future rewards in heaven. ;) Concerning Palin, I personally don't even consider her a good choice--just an OK one, because she seems (to me at least) far too liberal in a lot of ways. Definitely better than some of the others, however. I do think it's safe to say, though, that being on McCain's ho-hum ticket just wasn't God's will for Mike at this point--He has better things planned. In fact, even Romney is stating now that he doesn't want a position on McCain's Cabinet!
I think our goal now, at minimum, is to ensure that Obama (who sounds like the embodiment of Bamah) does not get elected. I'm praying that the evil in Obama will manifest itself clearly so that all will see it. Basically, I'm praying that God will do *whatever* it takes to shut down Obama's support and give McCain/Palin a win. It's important for us to pray especially about certain battleground states like Florida and Ohio, which the election will pretty much hinge on IMO. And let's not forget to pray about the weather on Election Day either. :)
Thanks again for all your comments, Shannon. Let's keep praying and make sure that a lot of godly men and women (on the national, state, and local levels) make it into office this fall! :)
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