Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain has announced his choice for VP.

While I am delighted that it is NOT Mitt Romney who's face just irks my flesh for some reason, and while I am not disgruntled about the lady from Alaska, I stand firmly locked as I have been for the past year.

I am as convinced as ever that it was His plan to give us Mike Huckabee as President through the door of the VP. But if God always had His way with mankind, everyone would know Jesus already.

The message this sends to my heart is a sad one:
I pray for a great awakening to come to this nation. We have sent the message to God that we think we are smart enough to figure these things out without His help. By we, I mean , Americans generally as a people.

I am sad for my nation today. I remember hearing sobering, chilling words from the two prophetic voices I have most respect for: My mother and Chuck Pierce. Both of them had a message directly from God that our treatment of our current President, whom He has given us a gift is being carefully weighed in light of the upcoming election. He made it clear that He had indeed prepared a very special gift for us in Mike Huckabee. His love for Mike, however is great. I feel that God has chosen, at least for now, to protect Mike from us.

If the election were held today, I don't know if I would even go to the polls because to me, it doesn't matter. Both parties have declared by their actions that everything will be decided by what's between their two ears.

Have mercy Lord.


Anonymous said...

"I feel that God has chosen, at least for now, to protect Mike from us."

I can agree with that. Whatever God's plans for Mike are, I think he was way too good for the McCain ticket. It would have been like casting pearls before swine IMO.

"If the election were held today, I don't know if I would even go to the polls because to me, it doesn't matter."

I can understand your discouragement, but please don't give in. The Enemy wants us to think that all hope is lost and that it doesn't matter who we vote for anymore. It truly does matter, because there's a huge difference between Obama and McCain. For all her faults, at least Palin is pro-life. For anyohe to whom abortion is an important issue, it is a *must* to go to the polls and ensure that Obama doesn't make it to the Presidency. Maybe we can't control who gets nominated or who gets picked as VP, but we can control our reaction to it. And our reaction should be to keep praying and to vote.

In the end, I'm glad that I really wasn't that surprised that McCain didn't pick Mike. Yes, I was praying for him to pick Mike, but something inside me didn't think it was going to happen. I do think it's important not to pigeonhole God (although I've certainly been guilty of that in many ways in other areas of my life). It really isn't "Mike Huckabee or bust." I believe that God still has a plan and can still fulfill it. I don't think He has given up on us.

Anonymous said...

There's been a lot of speculation that McCain may drop Palin from the ticket. Let's pray that God's will be done in this matter. What a treat it would be to end up with Mike! :)