If you voted for Obama then you're obviously quite happy.
I have a nephew in London who, like many outside the US has a negative (understatement) opinion of my beloved nation. Yes, he was born here, but has been in the UK for many years. Well, he's not just happy about the outcome - he's now proud to be an American.
That gives me some cause to be less disappointed in my fellow Americans. I care deeply for this nephew of mine and long for him to find his homeland a place to honor.
Perhaps our nation's popularity among those who have in past years called her everything but children of God will be improved by the choice made the other day.
As I was posturing myself to think along those lines however, I recall a warning from Jesus. Selah this in the balance of what I just noted.
Luke 6:26 - Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets. Is it more important for our nation be popular or to be strong and do what is right when other nations do not?
This is a very odd time. Now more than ever, we must pray for our leaders to be filled with wisdom from God.
And we must be filled again with love from God and for everyone who doesn't see what we see. It's His Love and His Joy that will make the real changes needed.
time now 7:04 - my birthday
Huckabee for President 2012
I feel sorry for anyone who's happy over Obama's victory, because obviously the devil is quite happy too. How sad to share his emotions.
Yes, our nation needs much prayer. I do believe that God can restore the Republican Party and godly conservatism.
Happy birthday--it's my brother's birthday today too.
I confused some by my comment "the time 7:04...my birthday". My birthday is July 4 but thanks for the "happy birthdays.:-)
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Interesting, as we know the Holy Spirit was grieved at the outcome of the election, even having all-knowledge and all-heart! And, Jesus wept. Oh, how I have longed to gather you under my wing as a mother hen gathers her chicks, but you would have none of it. America, America, return to your First Love, to your God. What do mere idols hold for you. Do not be deceived. God is the one who has brought your prosperity. Do not boast in yourselves, only boast in the LORD Yahweh, Yeshua, only worship Him! He loves and desires you. Come back, O Shulamite woman, come back to your First Love. Come out of the lion-haunted dens of Babylon, up higher to the Rock of Christ Jesus. He will redeem you, He will forgive. How He wants to take you away with Him, on that glorious day, to behold Him in His glory and be made in His likeness.
O hear Israel, the LORD God is one. He desires all, Jew and Gentile, the one new humanity in Jesus, who paid the price with His precious, costly blood, to redeem every kindred, nation, tribe and tongue. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He died for you, won't you live for Him!
Behold, my Beloved is ruddy (red-the Blood of Jesus) and radiant, He is altogether lovely. We love You, Jesus!!
In His Love and arms, forever,
Shannon Terese Roberts
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