Thought you'd enjoy hearing of these reports from our soaking sessions. I know it makes Holy Spirit happy!
Nine year Noah came to the meeting with his Mom. It was their "date night" when normally the were suppose to hang out together and watch "Smallville" on TV. It's his favorite show.
As I was teaching on how to hear the voice of God, I saw his little face and spoke to him " It's easy. A child can hear God speak. Just ask what He has to say to you. Then listen and watch for pictures on the inside. Sometimes you'll get a full movie. Just let it play out. Then write it down. Test it by your knowledge of God's character and His word. " Then gave them some examples of encounter people have had, like Heidi Baker's vision of Jesus pulling fresh bread from His side to feed the children with as He said I died so there will always be enough.
We had a great soaking time and Noah entered in. Later he told me he'd heard God. His mom called the next day to elaborate saying "Noah is so excited! He said he's never heard God speak to him so clearly. He gave him a scripture and said " You were blind but now you see. You need to pray more." Noah wants to be sure not to miss any of our meeting no matter is he misses Smallville because he loved it.
Hooray! Soaking is for kids! I just love it!!!
Elaine is a gifted artist who loves the presence of God. She never saw herself as a writer. In fact, she was harshly criticzes in college about her writing so she abanoned any thought of it. Funny thing - when she soaks, it as though Holy Spirit dictates poetry from Jesus's heart to her.
I have her permission to post these two:
Poem Number 1 (no name)
In the secret place of the Most High God,
I will dance before Him,
I will lift my hands before my God,
Iwill twirl, sing and spin.
Oh, that my heart were so free as when it's just You and Me together.
I can dance, I can dance, I can dance so beautifully, in Your presence.
The End>>
" ( I was in praise in front of the Throne with just Me and>> God and I was dancing like crazy - as if no one was there>> but me and Him - no one judging my moves, and no>> self-conteousness about being fat or jiggling, like I have>> here on earth!)>"
>>> Poem Number 2>>>>
O the throne of God;>>
Who can imagine it's greatness?>>
What honour it would be to house the King of Kings!>>
His glory to blaze through me->>
What am I made of? Gold, Silver, Wood?>>
What could hold up His Majesty?>>
How heavy is God?>>
His presence is so weighty that I cannot get up off the floor!>>
So, how can mere matter hold the greatness of our God?>>>>
Is My throne a cradle in a manger?>>
Is it on a cross where I am to rest?>>
No! I am at the right hand of God, seated there>> forevermore!>>
Seated on the Mercy of God
1 comment:
Please continue to write your beautiful comments, they are such an encouragement to me.
I will pray for our next President, but won't forget to pray for President Bush too.
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