Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Elephant Gun

I had a cartoon playing in my mind today. It was actually Barack Obama holding a computer which was in the shape of an elephant gun.

There were many elephants, the symbol of the Rebublican party, you know. Obama just pointed his elephant computer-gun and was wiping then out. They didn't have the good sense to scatter. It was like shooting fish in a barrel.

The editorial to this:
Elephants...Republicans, that is, need to step out of the stone ages and realize that we are in a computer generation. Not only do they need to take a reality pill and get down with the average person, they need to learn to use technology.

I think any Republican running for office needs to appeal less to the starched white shirt bunch. Since the "party" somewhat stands for less tax, less government regulation and more in line with Biblical morals than the Democrats, I'm praying the have the overhaul they need before more defectors occur. Case in point: Glorious Johnson, city councilwoman here in town.
The dear woman is no longer a Republican. Apparently the elephant gang was incredibly unappreciative of her.

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