Reading the Bible like you've never read it before, in the company of Holy Spirit and Jesus Himself is like read a love letter with the one who wrote it sitting beside you to explain between the lines. He watches your face as you read His words and you stop to ask "Can you still do that?" Sure.
After Jesus rose from the dead, He didn't just leave it for everyone to figure out. He made sure that it was understood.
He appeared to a couple of His guys, hung around all day and talked with them. How they did not recognize Him is a mystery to me, but they didn't ...not until He broke bread. And then, POOF! He disappeared! He can do that!!! He can pop in and out between realms of the spirit and flesh because He took His earthly body with Him. Way cool!
Of course they were exploding with excitement and ran to tell the others. While they were talking, POOF! He appeared again. He had to calm them down because - well, they were freaking out with fear and panic. I guess so! But that did not scare Him away.
The story just oozes with His love.
He wanted to be sure "they knew that they knew " He had risen as well as WHY all this had happened. He encouraged them to touch His body so they were certain it wasn't a ghost. He asked for food and ate with them. I can just picture them handing him a plate of fish and honeycomb, with their mouths hanging open and hands trembling, unable to mentally process what they were experiencing.
He told them to tarry for the "Promise" until they were "endued with power from on high." They didn't know what He was talking about ---yet.
And then, they all walked with Him to where He was "carried up into Heaven."
I held the book to my heart and laughed and cried and laughed and cried.
Read it for yourself : Luke 24
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