Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Right now prophecies

We can look at the Old Testement prophets all day and try to interpret the current events through them but God has promised that He will do nothing in the Earth without first telling His prophets. So, with that in mind, I fished out Kim Clement, who I believe has a pretty clean hearing ear and prophetic voice.

This is what He had to say about the latest tornado outbreaks: "These are truly signs, but not of God's judgement or punishment or the coming end of the earth. They are signs of acceleration." He promised to elaborate on that and on God's heart concerning American on May 26, 2011 at 6 PST on

As for me, I had a vision on May 19 (last week)
In the vision, I walked into a room where Jesus was alone.
He welcomed me and asked me if I'd like to see what He was working on.
I said "Yes" and leaned over with Him to look at the project He was hovering over.
It was America!
Then He sat up so I could see His eyes. They were filled with the shape of America, ablaze.
He said "I need the right prayers now." Though He was calm in His statement, I understood it as an urgent call.
"Not prayers for a governmental solution. Prayers for hearts of the people to turn fully to me."

It was as though America's heart is not on fire for Him, but is like smoldering coals. He is stirring up a wind over their hearts so they will become ablaze for Him. In order to complete this, He's asking for prayers that call for hearts to turn fully to Him.

The fewer words I write, the more likely you'll remember and simply respond.

There you have it.
It's time to pray for American hearts to turn FULLY to the Lord.
It's important.

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