Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Healing the Land

Last night I dreamed that coffee prices doubled and food prices had suddenly jumped so high that you had to notice. The land was in trouble.

Lately I've noticed that I sound like an American Indian when I'm praying in tongues. I began to connect the American Indian tongue as a cry for healing of this land.


On many official prayer meetings like Nita Johnson's Gathering of the Eagles and the Call, time was given to repent for injustices done to the American Indians. Then an American Indian would express forgiveness and speak a blessing of the land healing.

I thought we'd done enough repenting. But in my spirit the words from
this Old Testament verse have been rolling around.

2 Chronicles 7:14
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

There needs to be a great turn around, on a personal level - not the kind that comes through a "prophetic act" in a corporate gathering. The cry from God's heart is not to ones who don't know Him yet. This cry is to the ones who say they DO know Him.

God wants to heal this land.
The Indian tongues are calling for healing of the land. More than that, though, He is calling you, His darling, to truly return to Him with all your heart. We have become much like the Jews who Moses led to freedom from Egypt. They had become saturated with Egyptian culture. It took 40 years to clean "Egypt" out of them.

Anyway, I'm asking Holy Spirit to come with a pure conviction that will open our individual eyes. We will see where we need to turn back to Him.
With each one, it's a different matter.
Some of us have become too conditioned to rely on doctors rather than the Great Physician. If we find ourself without insurance we think our life is in danger.

Some have hardened hearts to the poor or to their own families.

Others are simply lukewarm, skeptical, unbelieving.

If you know me at all, you know I'm a 100% grace girl. I'm not into condemnation or performance based Christianity. His love and kindness is totally unconditional.

Yet there is a desire in His heart to move on our nation. He needs some more knees on the ground, not beating ourselves, but asking Him to pinpoint unbelief. lukewarmness or compromises. When He locates it, ask for grace to repent.

I'll keep praying along these lines. It seems that all the other matters will fall into place as we allow Holy Spirit to totally possess us.
You who are reading this are probably not the ones who need it, so please stand in the gap for others with me, OK?

Friday, September 3, 2010


For the past ten years, I worked as an insurance underwriter of the jewelry industry. It was a great job. I thanked God for it everyday. I knew though, that the day would come when my company would make a business decision to stop the jewelers program and most likely end my job. I saved a little more than normal towards that time.

When the day came, the announcement that I would be laid off with five others in my office, I wasn't shocked, disappointed or unprepared. I was certain the timing was orchestrated by God. There were too many things in proper place for other explanations.

I really needed some “down time” but I'm too young and not financially equipped enough to retire. I am very thankful that my husband has grace for the season.

I calculated how long my savings could last with the help of unemployment and thought surely I'd have a clear direction and open door when I was ready. I've done all that I can think of: posting resume's on the right websites, looked for jobs, pondered business start ups and so one.

As the months have gone by, I have become more anxious. Most mornings, my first thoughts and prayers are “ God, please talk to me. Tell me what to do with myself. Please give me a
purpose and show me your plan..”

The other day I clutched my Bible in my hand and said “Please Father, tell me plainly, what do you want from me?” His answer was pretty clear. I heard these words in my heart, repeated over and over, with emphasis on a different word each time:
“ I want you to know that I love you and that I am going to take care of you.”

How do you take issue with God when He speaks to you clearly in response to your plea? Yet, I am squirming because I am really crying out for a concrete plan. I am crying out for something more like this: “ Get on the internet and go to this site: http://www.yourjob.com/ where I will highlight the job that I have opened for you.” Yeah. That's the kind of direction I'm talking about.

Now I know God's not playing head games with me. He loves me. And I DO really believe He's going to take care of me. . . . but Hey – are you telling my husband the same thing? ( He probably IS, if I'd just check with him.)

Today I opened my Bible and was looking at Jeremiah 33:3. “Call to Me and I'll show you great and might things that you don't know.”

So I called – loudly, thinking that maybe He wanted me to yell instead of whine and whisper and mutter like I've been doing. “Show me! Give me a clear plan. You know – like my brother, who's fingers are so connected to the piano that he has no doubt about his purpose or my pastor, who knows that he must be in ministry. Please give me such clarity, such fire.”

I didn't hear a word, have a vision - I just got a subtle nudge to write. I thought, maybe this will help someone else.

And I realized that I have a fire, a passion. It's not exactly income producing – but it's clear. It is to know God intimately and to compel others into their own deep personal love with Him.

Once I read a book title “ Do what you love and the money will follow”...Yeah. Sure.

Many who are His appear to be abandoned. I know of more Christians who've lost jobs this year than ever before.

Some are wondering
“What am I doing wrong?”
"What am I doing that has turned Him away? “
"Why is He silent? “
"He does not care about the things of this life.”
"He only cares about the lofty things that I can't connect to because I need
to have peace and a plan.“
"I am sinning somehow and don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it's keeping Him from helping me. ”

I saw these thoughts like a radio broadcast.
Then I pictured Jesus saying “ Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy but I have come that you would have life and life abundantly.” Don't agree with the accuser who lies and says God is not pleased, is not listening and will not act.


Is God your delight? If you say “yes”, then you can be sure that He will give you the desires of your heart. Contradictions are from the accuser. Cast those thoughts away from you like you would flick a bug off.

To myself I'm saying “Keep thanking Him. Keep walking closely with Him. Keep guard against the accuser who would call God a bad Father, poor provider, unmerciful, silent punisher. “

He loves me.
He's taking care of me.

HE loves me.
HE is taking care of me.

He LOVES me.
He is TAKING care of me.

Plans – He has them and will take me by the hand to step 1, step 2,.. I trust Him.