Saturday, November 3, 2012

Our Anti-Colonist un-American President

I found in my mailbox the full DVD "Obama 2016" which I watched last night.   It's a documentary on Barrack Obama.  The creator has a lot in common with the president - they both have strong origins in nations which were former colonies of Great Britain.

The author, an Indian, understands the frustration of living in a nation taken over by a large super-power.  The natives are powerless as their riches were taken abroad and used to produce goods that were returned to them to buy at inflated prices.

Barack Obama, though raised with virtually no relationship with his father, was infused with his ideals through his mother who held him in heroic esteem.

Obama in Indonesia 
Obama's life was infused with the awareness of colonization in Indonesia, which was another British Colony, though independent during his childhood there.   His mother emphasized the anti-colonization doctrine of Barrack's father through Indonesia's life examples.
In Hawaii
When he was a boy, she decided to send him to her parents in Hawaii to raise.  His grandfather made sure that Barack was mentored by card-carrying communist,Frank Marshall Davis.  He went to school where the theology of discontent was infused in the education of young  Hawaians over the USA's colonization of their home.

The anti-colonization theology is simply this:  The power nation came to our nation and stole our ability to drive our own destiny.  They shipped our natural wealth abroad and left us in poverty.  The goal is not to help the poor left in our nation, but to retaliate.  The ideal of Obama's father is in the core of our president's being.  It explains why he sent the bust of Churchill back to England in his first week in office.

True anti-colonization retaliation looks exactly like Obama's term:
1. Break the powerful invader by stripping them of their military strength:  he has systematically stripped our military, reduced our nuclear weapons to become the least able to respond;
2. Break them financially:  why else has he chosen to spend us to the point where we are in danger of becoming  slaves to China due to the exponential increase of debt?
3.  Deplete their natural resources:  he's funded drilling in South America while declining same here as well as stopping the pipeline from Canada.

There's a lot of information in the film which explains his disdain for Israel, affection for Russian, lack of effectiveness in keeping nuclear weapons away from Iran,

Though he's as much white as black, it is his Muslim-Kenyan father's genes and ideology that drives him and whom he claims his identify. 

The film strongly implies that he deliberately used his black half to gain the seat where he could do the most to carry out the dream from his father:  retaliate against a empire guilty of colonization by destroying it from within.

What fools he has made of America.  He was technically born in America, but he is not an American at heart and should never have been allowed to be President.  

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


This is only to Christians. . those of you who want every aspect of your life to be filtered through His heart. If that's not you, then you can stop reading this now.

I have see many Christian's making their presidential choice with the same process as those who don't think God has anything to do with it. This simply ought not be. It's very troubling.

Our economy seems to be the main filter people are using, regardless of their faith.

Those who don't hold Christ as their "#1" are excused for making their selection with the seeing of the eye, the hearing of debates, watching polls, news media, opinions of political analysts and their own intelligence.
They ask questions and then rally around the person who checks all their "boxes".
They ask ...
Is he "electable"?
Can he beat Barack Obama?
Will he be able to make a difference in a way that I think is needed?
Does he have the money to go the distance in the campaign?
Will he be good for our nation's position in the world?
Does he answer questions the way I think they should be answered?
Does he sound clever?

But we who have genuinely made Jesus Christ our LORD,
we who stand firmly in our belief that the Bible is the Word of God
and believe that the phrase written therein about Jesus, "the government shall be on His shoulders" ...WE MUST ask different questions and use a different filter.
Our vote sends a message to God and to the world about the condition of heart and soul.

WE should be asking:
Will he steer our nation even farther from God... or closer?
Has he expressed concern about the spiritual condition of our nation?
Does he downplay his own relationship with God?
Is he going to protect the foundation of America as a Christian nation?
Do I see a history of his public life as a demonstration of his faith in Jesus Christ?

Will our selection send a message to God that we are most concerned with His priorities ...or our purse?

Will our choice send the message to the world that we count more on the wisdom of God and expect His hand on our nation or that we believe our great hope in human intellectualism?

I am convinced that God prepares a very qualified person, equips him with His heart and then offers that person to us, HIS PEOPLE.

I believe it is His desire that we choose the one He offers us and He watches to see if we will.
It is tragic that we never connected those dots in the last election and allowed human reasoning to cloud our judgement.

It is tragic that we seem headed in the same direction again.

I beg you to stop it.
I beg you to look at the soul of the man you want to be the next president. What will he do for the soul of this nation?

If you truly do this, I think we'll arrive at the same conclusion together.
Only one candidate has taken a stand in the spirit by calling the nation to pray because he saw the troubled nation and understands her first need is to return to God.
Only one of them made it poignantly clear that it DOES matter what the president believes.
Only one of them has declared that he will fight for our religious freedom and oppose those who believe that means freedom from religion.

He also happens to have a the most experience in running a government successfully and doing all of the financial things people need done, like balancing the budget and creating an environment where businesses brings jobs. He's handled natural disasters, international troubles and his state has added 40% of the nations new jobs since 2009. He's done such a good job at leading that has been re-elected 4 times. That's what I call "electability".

It is high time that Christians stop this secular nonsense and send the message to God and to the world that we recognize the man who is after HIS heart and believe that God will bless us if we'll send him to the White House.
It's in our hands. I believe it's more important than ever. What are your real priorities?

You know who I'm referring to. Don't you? Of course you do.
It's Rick Perry. I pray he continues on and gives the other 48 states an opportunity to catch on and have their say.
And I pray that we stand for him loudly, as I intend to.

Just one little after thought: Keep in mind that we are unlikely to agree with 100% of what any of them say and they are unlikely to achieve 100% of the promises they make.
Great leaders do not always make eloquent speeches.)