Friday, April 10, 2009

Fear and value of the Presence of God

Do I only worship Him for the purpose of giving Him what He’s due?
Knowing full well that He will indeed, do I have subtle wrong motives of manipulating Him? Luring His to me for the purpose of blessing a place, manifesting healing, making me feel good?

What is the purpose in my heart for coming to this place of gathering?

It is a good desire to be healed, blessed, encouraged –
But this must not be my motive as I worship..then it’s just manipulation for my purpose.

He is so loving, so in love with us, that He will allows me to do this.

So I will purpose to have this in my heart:
I worship You because You are the love of my life,
Because You are my God.

If you never do anything else in my life, it is of no consequence to my worship.
I just want to give you a drink and a place to rest.
I come seeking nothing.
I come only to give to YOU.
You do not need to tangibly manifest for me to continue to love You.
You do not need to speak, or to encourage or to bless the gatherings in any way..
The only thing I ask is that You please just receive my love please.

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