Friday, April 10, 2009

Pirates and Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. I think it should be called Dark Friday as a reminder that it was Dark when Jesus surrendered His life on the Christ and began His journey into hell so I would not have to go there. He fully paid my ransom so I could be free to chose a life in Heaven.
I don't dress pretty on Good Friday. Today I wear black, and I'm emotionally connecting to how expensive my freedom is...
The day remembered on Good Friday was a very long torturous agonizing horror of a day for my Lovely Jesus.

The only thing I ask in prayer for today is the freedom of the merchant ship captain who was taken hostage by Somali pirates. My father was a merchant mariner. He could have been on any of the ships the pirates have gone after. When I was 7 years old, he was on a ship that was stuck in Suez Canal because of war in the are. I didn't see him for a year and it was heartbreaking to me. A ransom is demanded to be paid to set this man free and release all his shipmates to go about their life. Jesus paid my ransom and yours. Today whatever it takes to end the wave of Somali pirates, I pray it will.

I can ask for nothing else today because Jesus has done enough. More than enough.
More than enough.

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