Monday, March 31, 2008

It Starts now ...

April 1
Starting a new wave of pursuing God concerning the election.

Onward ho!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Did you miss me?

Since Mike Huckabee's primaries in Texas and Ohio I had lost the wind to pray. Or maybe I lost faith in my prayers.

It's not that I doubted that Mike Huckabee was God's choice to be our President.
And I am still certain of the confirming visions, whispers, words of knowledge and coincidences. I just simply misplaced the anointing and the sword.
I felt like I just wanted to rest and get a personal revival.

While I am still working on that personal revival, I know that there is a crucial election process continuing. If the prince of darkness has his way, all of us who pray will mope about listening to the accuser's thoughts " Your prayers are doing nothing. Why bother. With all the so-called faith you release in your declarations, look at the fruit it brought. You might as well figure out how you're going to handle what's coming when Obama is President."

Well, I've had enough of hearing that whiney spirit!

The truth is that every prayer uttered from this heart and yours has been heard and answered with a true and powerful YES. Most of us have heard Him say in our spirits "It's not over. "

Now that we know that Mike is not going to win the primary race I will release what has been in my heart for months.

I heard Mike tell of his Arkansas history while he was being interviewed by Ken Copeland many months ago. Since that day I have believed silently, that God would repeat that scenario somewhat to get Mike Huckabee in the White House and bring him in as Vice President.
God has prepared Mike Huckabee to withstand the grueling and humbling process of taking of lesser position initially. The people of Arkansas did not have the wisdom to elect Mike as their Gov until they say how he ran their state.

Around that time too, I had a flashing glimpse in my spirit of John McCain President/Mike Huckabee Vice President.

Those two things I kept to myself, mentioning them only once to my Mother . She, like all of us, were simply praying for him to win the primaries.

Around Christmastime Mom was in church worshipping.
She saw Jesus with McCain at His side.
No one was on the other side, but there should have been.
Jesus had His hand on John's shoulder.
A few minutes later, as she continued to worship, she again saw Jesus .
This time Mike was on the other side.
Suddenly Jesus yanked Mike’s hand high in the air like a fight referee does with the winner of a fight.

So many have their own confirmations that it is God’s plan to bring Mike Huckabee to become our President through the White House. I have heard more things as God answered questions on this matter also.
I think , though,
for now
that I should keep those in my heart.

Anyway let me derail the subject completely:
Here’s a little movie clip that I watch from time to time to keep everything in perspective. A friend was in Uganda not long ago with Todd Bentley. He said there was much religious oppression in the area and you can see it all around. This little one is the personification of how we should be in the midst of those who want to silence us.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Reason to pray for McCain to ask Huckabee to run as VP


Below is an email trail I thought I'd share.
The Huckabee Prayer Coordinator sent out the email asking if anyone is willing to pray for McCain to offer Mike the VP spot and followed with several excellent reasons. Below is my reply and his complete message.

Daves message:
Is anyone willing to pray for McCain to offer Mike the VP spot? I know that it is not a very appealing prospect to have to consider, but I've put together some reasons why Mike should become the VP nominee:

Reasons that Mike Huckabee should accept a VP position on the GOP ticket:

It gives Mike the opportunity to gain foreign policy experience—an area that was heavily criticized during the campaign as a weak point in his experience.

It gives Mike Huckabee a bully pulpit from which to champion conservative causes.

It keeps Mike in the public eye, and allows Mike to develop relationships with the national press. It will allow the press and the public to see that Mike is more than just a former Baptist Preacher, (even though we know there is nothing wrong with that) but an executive with experience.

It allows the American people to get to know Mike better. Mike is very likeable. And with this opportunity, they will come to view him as Presidential.

It allows Mike to establish relationships with Washington elites—the main source of resistance to his campaign in the GOP.

It gives Mike input to national policy decisions, like the selection of Supreme Court Justices.

It makes Mike the heir-apparent to the Presidency.

It allows Mike to transition smoothly to the Presidency should McCain suffer a debilitating physical ailment or die in office—something that is very possible considering his advanced age.

It prevents pseudo-conservatives like Romney from attaining power.

It gives voters a choice in November between an Ultra liberal-Ultra liberal team in the Dems and a Moderate-Conservative team in the GOP. The general election tends to favor a balance toward political center.

It gives conservative voters a choice. Many conservative voters will stay home in November if McCain chooses a moderate running mate.

Reasons John McCain should select Mike Huckabee as a running mate:

Mike is a superb speaker, he will be a great communicator for the ticket. McCain is generally viewed as lacking charisma. Mike brings the charisma that overcomes the personal appeal of Obama.

Mike has won the conservative base—the states the McCain needs most to win in the general election. McCain has won mostly blue states, while Huckabee has won red states.

Mike and John get along very well—as was apparent during their debates; John and Mitt sparred continuously with negative jabs but John and Mike were always friendly and cordial to each other.

Mike has more executive experience than any other presidential candidate in either party.

Mike has good ideas and a fresh approach. A combined McCain-Huckabee ticket would be hard to label as “Washington Insider”.

Mike is young enough to assume the reins after McCain retires from public life—just as George Bush Sr. took over when Reagan retired. That was not the case with VP Dick Cheney. Voters will be very sensitive to the age issue with McCain, but Huckabee can defuse the issue.

Mike has credibility with the social conservative base. If McCain runs without a social conservative like Huckabee, then James Dobson and other social conservative spokesmen will abandon the ticket, but with Mike aboard, social conservative spokesmen will likely support it.

Social conservative voters are skeptical about McCain’s dedication to social conservative issues. Selecting Mike as a running mate will help prove his willingness to support conservative positions.

Gun owners have determined Presidential election outcomes in the past. GOA’s website currently reads “McCain? No Way!!” But they say: “Mike Huckabee: Standing Tall for the Second Amendment.” Without a Huckabee running mate, gun owners will find it hard to support McCain.

Mike Huckabee Presidential Prayer Team
National Prayer Coordinator
David QuintanaNew Mexico for Mike HuckabeeState Coordinator

My Reply to Dave
You had me at "Is anyone willing to pray for McCain to offer Mike the VP spot?" BUT OF COURSE! I have secretly felt this was the pre-ordained outcome since I saw Mike on Kenneth Copeland and learned of his history in Arkansas - how the people were not smart enough to elect; God had him strategically positioned . Do you mind if I post your entire email on my blog,

And Dave responded:
Please do post it on your site. I think that our Huckabee supporters need to hear the message. Yours is not the only one who responded in favor of my idea. Take a look at the message below--you might want to post that too!

Another message Dave was sent from Gail:
I was thinking about that as plan B and actually God's plan A all along. God may be using McCain to get Mike in, knowing there might have been enough resistance against his candidacy in the fall election if he would have won the party nomination out right. It would be characteristic and follow the pattern of how Mike became Governor after running for Lt Governor in Arkansas.

Besides, Haley Barbour, who is a surrogate of McCain's let the cat out of the bag when interviewed by Fox News that Mike would be a marvelous choice and that was after Fox News went through the litany of all the other names with him.

You can maybe catch the interview on the Fox website or maybe later on today or tonight.

My husband and I believe that is why Huckabee needed to get into second place on the delegate count, which he did, and have a regional following which the Lord gave him, in order for McCain to publicly justify a decision like that politically before the party establishment.

With the fact that Democrats are now starting to make inroads to the more liberal element of the evangelical community, a VP Huckabee pick could squash that.

There are so many reasons why, as you listed below, that Mike Huckabee would be a superb choice and we should pray that God will all that together .

Mike said that the VP job was "the one that no one wanted but that no one would turn down", so he is not going to turn it down either if offered it.
Besides of all the names on the VP list, Mike is the only one that isn't doing anything.
All the rest either are getting older, or are in the middle of circumstances that are not advantageous to them accepting an offer.
I think that for these reasons we should start lifting this up in prayer, big time!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

GOD is not depreseed.

Surprisingly I'm not completely distraught today. This must be that peace that passes understanding. Last night on my way home from work I took a detour and sang loud and very off key to a CD and I laughed and laughed and yelped and yahooed. When I got in the house and turned on the TV to see dear Mike Huckabee ending his campaign my heart was broken that America had not seen the gift that was offered to Her and accepted him as HIS offer.

God goes through this kind of rejection all the time, yet He's not depressed.

Since I am positively persuaded that HE has not changed HIS mind about HIS choice for our President, I will continue to watch and pray. McCain has not picked a VP - if he hears from Heaven, he will pick Mike Huckabee.

If you have not read "Don't Abort the Election", this would be a good time to read it or maybe even to read it again.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


This is the big vote day for Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas and Ohio. John McCain has 874 PLEDGED delegates. (1) (I don't know what creative math the media is using.)
Today, the outcome must be such that keeps him from the majic 1191 number.

This morning I woke up remembering a question I had posed for Jesus years ago.
Several months after I'd asked him the question He answered me.

My question: "What do you mean by the violent take it by force?"
He took me to the walls of Jericho.
After marching around the walls for days, a great shout, all at once was to be released by everyone. At the right time, everyone shouted and then the Hand of God flattened the wall.

Then he took me to other events in the Bible both Old and New Testaments. For example, when Paul and Silas were in prison it was their worship in the night that brought the shaking of the walls and the angel to escorted them out.

He explained that violence to the devil is not what you see on television - guns, fights, destruction, anger - those are his weapons.
What is most violent to him is opposite: worship at a your darkest moments, thanksgiving and extravagant giving in the face of lack, faith when nothing looks possible, laughter and joy when your heart is breaking, love for the most unpleasant people - these are the violent weapons that take by force the kingdoms of this world and make them the Kingdom of Heaven.

There is truly a time to make requests in prayer, to travail and cry and plead our case in the court. There is a time to take the Sword of the Word and apply it to situations

but today I believe is the day to be MOST violent.

Today I'm purposed to laugh at things that are meant to sadden my heart.

I will continually thank God for hearing and answering all of our prayers to give us Mike Huckabee as our 44th President.

I will not stop smiling because He keeps his promise to do whatever we ask in prayer believing.

Today, I will dance little jigs of joy for the victory Mike Huckabee will have in these four primaries.

As I'm driving in my car, I will hoot and holler and waive my hands and honk my horn in joyful thanksgiving because all that we have prayed is done.

When I perceive spirits of darkness lurking around, I will laugh and sing to the King.

Yeah God! Hooray Hooray Hooray! I'm getting happy already!

(1) Source

Bonus - you gotta see this video:

Monday, March 3, 2008


Since I have never born children, you might think "I don't know nuthin about birthin no babies!"

A few friends who are Mothers told me that they decided to get off the delivery table and cancel the whole deal since it was entirely too painful. Of course that wasn't really an option, so they pressed on through the agony and pushed.
Their coach, husband, doctor and nurse all yelling "PUSH PUSH PUSH!" Till finally their little darling is delivered.

PUSH is a familiar acronym for Pray Until Something Happens.

There is an ugly loud voice telling us to walk away from the delivery table. The false prophets say there's no way to deliver this baby. Don't you believe it!


Sunday, March 2, 2008


What a beautiful day it was! Saturday morning in Florida on March 1 demonstrated why we have tourism here. Waking up I heard that sweet small whisper in my heart say "Go for a long walk on the beach and pray." Maybe the other people walking thought I was talking to myself like a crazy person. Oh well. I won't see them again.

My heart has been so heavy over the media and polls for our dear next President, Mike Huckabee. CNN polls were very discouraging and Sean Hannity's interview the night before had bothered me alot.
I saw that President Huckabee was postured into defense mode because of the nonstop annoying interview comments that he "just can't win". I get outraged when so much truth is missing ! I wish for a big platform to shout to the nation the truth that they are missing. "People here's what a brokered convention is all about! He can win the nomination there! This is how (and then explain it to them.) " I'd straighten out those talking heads on TV and Radio, yes I would! They'd learn from me that the reason Mike isn't in the lead is because so the early field was packed with guys who looked more electable and the American Idol minded voters were swooned by Romney appearance, Rudy's fame and and Thompson's name. Mike was pigeon-holed by the press as that Baptist preacher and assumed he was not electable and the votes were too dispersed.

Oh well - I don't have a big radio show or any other exposure to the nation but yesterday, on the beach, I was reminded that I actually have a more effective place of influence! Oh yes - and you , my praying friend, do too.

As I walked on the beach, looking into the sky, I walked into the room where the God of all Creation was sitting.
It just so happens that this Great Royal One is my Father, who loves me dearly.
He stilled His court, and bent down close so He could listen to me plead my case.

At the end of my long walk with God, I thought it time to shut up and let Him talk. I'd done most of the talking and asked many questions, so if I wanted an answer I should let Him speak.
And He did.

It took me over an hour to express myself but He said only a few words which answered everything! I felt like a son must feel who has worked in the family business and then his dad retires, leaving him in charge.

He said " What YOU say goes! And you can tell those who are praying with you that the same applies to them."

So who needs a Tv or Radio show.

We have the REAL SAY! !