Did you miss me?
Since Mike Huckabee's primaries in Texas and Ohio I had lost the wind to pray. Or maybe I lost faith in my prayers.
It's not that I doubted that Mike Huckabee was God's choice to be our President.
And I am still certain of the confirming visions, whispers, words of knowledge and coincidences. I just simply misplaced the anointing and the sword.
I felt like I just wanted to rest and get a personal revival.
While I am still working on that personal revival, I know that there is a crucial election process continuing. If the prince of darkness has his way, all of us who pray will mope about listening to the accuser's thoughts " Your prayers are doing nothing. Why bother. With all the so-called faith you release in your declarations, look at the fruit it brought. You might as well figure out how you're going to handle what's coming when Obama is President."
Well, I've had enough of hearing that whiney spirit!
The truth is that every prayer uttered from this heart and yours has been heard and answered with a true and powerful YES. Most of us have heard Him say in our spirits "It's not over. "
Now that we know that Mike is not going to win the primary race I will release what has been in my heart for months.
I heard Mike tell of his Arkansas history while he was being interviewed by Ken Copeland many months ago. Since that day I have believed silently, that God would repeat that scenario somewhat to get Mike Huckabee in the White House and bring him in as Vice President.
God has prepared Mike Huckabee to withstand the grueling and humbling process of taking of lesser position initially. The people of Arkansas did not have the wisdom to elect Mike as their Gov until they say how he ran their state.
Around that time too, I had a flashing glimpse in my spirit of John McCain President/Mike Huckabee Vice President.
Those two things I kept to myself, mentioning them only once to my Mother . She, like all of us, were simply praying for him to win the primaries.
Around Christmastime Mom was in church worshipping.
She saw Jesus with McCain at His side.
No one was on the other side, but there should have been.
Jesus had His hand on John's shoulder.
A few minutes later, as she continued to worship, she again saw Jesus .
This time Mike was on the other side.
Suddenly Jesus yanked Mike’s hand high in the air like a fight referee does with the winner of a fight.
So many have their own confirmations that it is God’s plan to bring Mike Huckabee to become our President through the White House. I have heard more things as God answered questions on this matter also.
I think , though,
for now
that I should keep those in my heart.
Anyway let me derail the subject completely:
Here’s a little movie clip that I watch from time to time to keep everything in perspective. A friend was in Uganda not long ago with Todd Bentley. He said there was much religious oppression in the area and you can see it all around. This little one is the personification of how we should be in the midst of those who want to silence us.
So glad you're back! I too have been very subdued the past few weeks. Haven't given up hope though, still feel very strong about God helping us .. or us helping Him get His will done on earth as it is in Heaven. I am getting excited again about God's man getting into the presidency. Never give up. I can feel in my spirit the warfare that is taking place. Whenever the wind blows I sense angels fighting on our behalf. Praise God!
Thanks for your words of hope and conviction.
Wow... no matter how sleepy I am while reading this... I can feel it in my belly. Fire! God's presence and Spirit, especially seeing this little one dancing and smiling BIG--JOY and HAPPY dance ;-)
I LOVE IT! Yes, singing, dancing, shouting, rejoicing, remembering!! HalleluYAH!
I love you, Anita, sister, and all of you!! Your momma sounds awesome, too:) Glory to God, it is ALL HIM! ANY good in us is simply Him in us:) You guys and gals have a lotta HIM in you:)!!!
Blessings, Shannon
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