Wednesday, March 5, 2008

GOD is not depreseed.

Surprisingly I'm not completely distraught today. This must be that peace that passes understanding. Last night on my way home from work I took a detour and sang loud and very off key to a CD and I laughed and laughed and yelped and yahooed. When I got in the house and turned on the TV to see dear Mike Huckabee ending his campaign my heart was broken that America had not seen the gift that was offered to Her and accepted him as HIS offer.

God goes through this kind of rejection all the time, yet He's not depressed.

Since I am positively persuaded that HE has not changed HIS mind about HIS choice for our President, I will continue to watch and pray. McCain has not picked a VP - if he hears from Heaven, he will pick Mike Huckabee.

If you have not read "Don't Abort the Election", this would be a good time to read it or maybe even to read it again.


Sherri said...

Amen! You are sensing the exact same thing as me.

“It’s not over yet,” kept resonating through my mind last night, along with an amazing peace that totally engulfed me. Neither of which in the natural realm should have happened after I heard Mike Huckabee’s speech last night. I called a few people and went to my computer to e-mail a friend to let her know what I was sensing; however, before I started writing, I decided to look on Mike Huckabee’s website and read some of the comments coming in, and there I read Shannon’s blog. As I was reading it, I felt like I was reading my own thoughts at the moment, because it so aligned with what I was sensing and confirmed the wonderful peace I was experiencing.

I decided to go to bed and just let the peace of God engulf me, sensing an excitement that this isn’t over yet. When I woke up this morning, that same amazing peace and the thought, “It’s not over yet” lingered through my mind, and then I called my mom, and she excitedly told me, “This morning I was asking the Lord how come Huckabee’s out?,” and before she had a chance to think any further, the Lord said, “I’m not finished yet!” There was such an amazing excitement in both of our spirits.

You may ask, “Is this a call to revolt?” Absolutely not! This is a call to listen for what God is probably trying to tell many of us. Like David (II Samuel 5), before the second time he went to battle, the Lord gave him a different set of instructions. I believe that since God has already given us three such an overwhelming peace, there may be others that have heard or sensed the same thing. What we need to determine is what God is trying to impress upon us. Maybe He’s calling a remnant, such as Gideon’s Army to pray through His plans and purposes . . . all I know is that this overwhelming peace and these confirmations of what He is saying certainly aren’t for naught; but we need to ascertain His desire, and why He’s strongly impressing upon us that, “It’s not over and I’m not finished yet!”

As I was getting dressed, the story of Mary, Martha and Lazarus reverberated back and forth in my mind, and I reminisced how Mary and Martha were upset that Jesus came too late, but as we all know it was just the right time for God to get ALL the glory . . . man could take no glory in Lazarus coming back to life. As I was thinking of this story, and what I kept hearing, I realized to many this situation probably appears dead; but, if what some of us are hearing is right, it’s not! I do know that God often allows a dream to die before it comes to full fruition. Now I don’t pretend to know what or how God plans to resurrect this dream that many of us have in our hearts, but I certainly know through all the amazing miracles and healings I have experienced in my life and the lives of those around me that nothing is impossible with Him; and I believe it’s time for each of us to take some time with the Lord and listen for what He is saying so we don’t miss our part in whatever His perfect plan is. I know that the Bible says that the sole peace of God guides us, and I know that the peace I am sensing down deep that God’s not finished yet certainly cannot be conjured up in natural way.

Colossians 3:15 (AMP)
15And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].

There are several months until the convention and the general election, and none of us can predict what can happen between now and then. However, we certainly can press into God and determine what He desires to do and then get on board with Him following His instructions and not attempting to accomplish it with our natural means. This is not a natural battle, but a battle in the spirit realm, so we need to lay aside natural means of accomplishing what we believe God is desiring to do, and listen for His instructions. I know for many of us, He has put such a strong sense in us that He desires Mike Huckabee to be President . . . don’t let go of what He has promised – we just don’t know how He desires to do that. I don’t believe that God prompts all of us with almost the same thing and gives us a peace that He is accomplishing it and then not fulfill it. However, I do know that what has been promised can often appear dead and impossible to resurrect, but that we must continue trusting despite how impossible it appears!

Think of the story of Gideon (Judges 7), and how God had him bring the army number down to 300 . . . a mere remnant. Let’s be part of that remnant that hear from and respond to God’s next set of instructions. Be assured it will not be in the natural realm, but walking it out in the spiritual realm.

Here is something I wrote about awhile back that I still feel very strongly about:

I think it is IMPERATIVE that we get the mindset . . . ALL THE WAY TO THE CONVENTION IN MINNEAPOLIS!!! Yes, we want Texas, Ohio and many that remain, and that’s what we’re battling for. However, we must go all the way to the convention no matter what happens between now and September, as we do not know if something else will be revealed or exposed, or if something else could happen that we are not aware of right now. Even if for some reason it appears that John McCain reaches 1191, we can’t give up, because the New York Times or another news outlet or a lay person could reveal something else, or who knows what else that totally eliminates John McCain and then all of his delegates are up for grabs, and then it won’t even matter if he reaches 1191 or not. Or what if the NYT or anyone else is waiting to reveal something after it appears that he has reached 1191? If we truly believe that God has impressed upon us that Mike will be President, all God desires from each of us is that we trust Him 100% despite any circumstances that appear exactly the opposite, because with one fell swoop He can change the entire landscape of the election. I believe this is a totally different election than any of us have ever experienced, and I don’t think it’s even close to over.

The battle is His, and even if it looks 100% like a closed deal, when God closes a door, no man can open it, and when God opens a door, no man can shut it. As a case in point, what if God allowed it to go all the way to the convention and allowed it to appear one way to prevent any of the previous candidates from reentering the race, but then at the last minute He allowed something to be revealed or turned around? God may be creating a scenario that none of us have ever pondered . . . we just need to trust Him without question, especially since I believe many of us down deep in our hearts believe Mike will be President. If so many of us are having that sense, then I believe God has something planned to bring that through to fruition; but we can’t allow our finite minds to try to figure it out based upon previous scenarios, or doubt just because it isn’t being played out in the way we had anticipated it. Please understand this is not to wish or pray for any harm upon anyone, but we honestly don’t know what the future holds, and we just need to trust that God is in control.

What if Joseph would have given up on his dream because he was sold into slavery? Or given up because he was thrown into prison? We can’t be moved by circumstances . . . God has a plan and remember that even if the odds look impossible, He’s always working behind the scenes to bring His purposes to pass . . . and as we all know He knows exactly what needs to be done to win the battle!

Additionally, over the last several days, I have been excitedly declaring that all of the mountains in Mike Huckabee’s path to the 44th President of the United States have been removed, and then a few mornings ago I awoke early out of a deep sleep and heard the words in my mind, the mountains have crumbled, and I saw the picture in my mind of the mountains breaking up and crumbling to the ground. I believe that now we are going to begin seeing what appeared to be impasses to Mike’s nomination and subsequent election begin to crumble. However, we can’t be moved if there appears to be an impasse; we just keep thanking God that He is winning the battle behind the scenes, and that His will is coming to pass, despite how it appears.

Mark 11:23Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him. (AMP)

Luke 3:5Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth. (KJV)

Awhile back, I remember one of the writers on Mike’s website saying that the Lord impressed upon him to thank Him through the primaries and even the general election and that has stuck in my mind every day; and I believe there is a reason for it. I believe God wants to show us that with Him nothing is impossible, if we believe. We just need to continue to trust God that no matter what it looks like, we are going to continue praising Him and trusting that He is going to bring the victory.

Anonymous said...

I was so upset last night - my heart was broken. I questioned...ok, where is faith supposed to end. At 1191? I think not. For I believe in the God of miracles. We don't look at the circumstances that it seems we're surrounded by. We look to God. Our faith is in Him and not in man. Where man's ability stops...God takes over and carries it on. Last night I was reminded of your post concerning your mom when she was praying in church. The time she saw the Lord with His hand on McCain at first, then later with Huckabee on the other side. He raised Huckabee's hand in the air as in victory. Maybe, what we're seeing right now is the first thing she saw, for I wondered why she only saw McCain at first. I went to the lake this morning to pray and read my Bible. The story in the Bible that talks about Ezekiel and the dry bones came to me.(Ezekiel 37) At first I thought it didn't have anything to do with the elections, until I read it. In verse 11(amp) it says, "Our bones are dried up and our hope is lost; we are completely cut off." Sounds very familiar. But just like one of your posts, and like he told Ezekiel, "You prophecy!" "What YOU say GOES!" I'm not giving up! God is in control. Sorry this is so long. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Great blog. I'm not depressed either. Disappointed, yes, but not depressed. Actually, I sort of anticipated the events last night happening. I didn't see the voters themselves suddenly awakening by a thunderbolt and seeing the light. But this just goes to show that God wasn't planning to merely rely on the "voters" to get His will done. He's got bigger tricks up His sleeve. :)
*Nothing* is too hard for him. Let's please just keep praying and waiting, and I believe we *will* reap in due season.

Stan and Shannon Roberts said...

Anita, you are such a wise woman, thanks to our Lord! I had been unusually "NOT" sad too, even filled with His peace and joy. I have been in His presence and was when I found out and the Spirit of the Lord impressed these words on me, "It is not over..." I even wrote them to my family in an e-mail last night. Then, Sherri e-mailed me the same message. It as if we have an unshakable faith, praise God, peace, and joy:-) Well, your message was confirmation. Even how you said that God is not depressed, the Lord impressed me with that last night, He's not scared or surprised...

Thank you for your message! I know we are in warfare and we all need to take a time-out to recuperate and to seek God, yet stay connected, united, and bonded. I had an amazing dream I'll share later that also confirms this message of "to press on" and that God has NOT changes His mind. I totally agree with your "Do not abort" message!! Thanks:-)

Lpoe said...

Good grief! I had the same things happening to me last night and today. Laughing and being content in my world. Even after I heard of Mike's withdrawal. Sad and upset, yes, but a still "knowing" that it's ok. Awesome! I've heard of others saying the same or similar things.
I agree that He has not changed His mind, and neither have I. Don't know exactly what His agenda is, but I am on board with Him. I will keep praising Him and enjoying this life He has given me. No matter what happens, we ARE on the winning side.

Jerod said...


Thank you for all your support and prayers. We have run a good race.

Faith is the Foundation For Freedom!


Anonymous said...

I left a comment yesterday. Strange--it hasn't shown up yet. :)

Tygur said...

A while ago, I had been praying about the endorsements that McCain had been getting. I can't say for sure if it was me or God, but what i heard was "The larger the giant, the greater it's destruction." Well, come tuesday night/wednesday morning, I was having a temper tantrum and actually getting angry with God about "not doing something." I know better than to be like that, and yet I was. His response was quite stern, He was quite put out by the GOP and their actions, and that He was taking action, and I knew some of that sternness was directed towards me for getting angry at him. After He was telling me this, I sensed Him say "I got him (Huckabee) out of the way because of what I am about to do."
Again, it could have been just me and some wishful thinking, but I don't think so. I think He is about to do something with the party or all that were involved against Him and Huckabee, and didn't want His son (Huckabee) to get hurt in the process. A little later on in the day, I think more a s a reassurance to me, He said "Now that man is out of the way, I can do My work." I'm starting to get excited in spirit again, because I really think that God still has plans for Huckabee and the presidency. It's nice to hear that I haven't been the only one thinking this. :)

Stan and Shannon Roberts said...

tgur & coolmom & each of you,

I was blessed by your comments, and everyone's. I have a question about your experience with the Lord, as it has impressed me. If you get a chance, my e-mail is

Thanks and God Bless,