Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Last night during the Huckabee prayer team weekly phone prayer meeting, I prayed a prayer for all of us intercessors. I was asked if I had it in writing…well I do now- sort of. As best as I can recall with license to embellish as I type, here it is:

Father Help Help Help! I pray for me and for all who are called by you to pray for the election, the President and Mike Huckabee.

We have become discouraged, weakened, distracted and have pulled away.
It's as though a storm cloud of personal disturbances, issues of family, health, finances and seeming failures has been launched to keep us from praying. An enemy has done this.

I am asking for divine intervention from you this night.
I ask that you move that storm of hindrances so thay we can be the mighty air force needed for this hour.
Lift us above it all so that we can, once again, be as an eagle soaring high above the circumstances and at the right time will, like bolt of lightening from the sky defeat our enemy.

I pray for a fresh wind and fresh anointing on each of us.
Holy Spirit, please help us to become stirred again.
Place in us a new sense of urgency of the hour.

I release the truth: Our prayers are effective and important.

Fresh wind and fresh fire come on the intercessors for America, the President, the election and Mike Huckabee in Jesus name.

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