Sunday, March 2, 2008


What a beautiful day it was! Saturday morning in Florida on March 1 demonstrated why we have tourism here. Waking up I heard that sweet small whisper in my heart say "Go for a long walk on the beach and pray." Maybe the other people walking thought I was talking to myself like a crazy person. Oh well. I won't see them again.

My heart has been so heavy over the media and polls for our dear next President, Mike Huckabee. CNN polls were very discouraging and Sean Hannity's interview the night before had bothered me alot.
I saw that President Huckabee was postured into defense mode because of the nonstop annoying interview comments that he "just can't win". I get outraged when so much truth is missing ! I wish for a big platform to shout to the nation the truth that they are missing. "People here's what a brokered convention is all about! He can win the nomination there! This is how (and then explain it to them.) " I'd straighten out those talking heads on TV and Radio, yes I would! They'd learn from me that the reason Mike isn't in the lead is because so the early field was packed with guys who looked more electable and the American Idol minded voters were swooned by Romney appearance, Rudy's fame and and Thompson's name. Mike was pigeon-holed by the press as that Baptist preacher and assumed he was not electable and the votes were too dispersed.

Oh well - I don't have a big radio show or any other exposure to the nation but yesterday, on the beach, I was reminded that I actually have a more effective place of influence! Oh yes - and you , my praying friend, do too.

As I walked on the beach, looking into the sky, I walked into the room where the God of all Creation was sitting.
It just so happens that this Great Royal One is my Father, who loves me dearly.
He stilled His court, and bent down close so He could listen to me plead my case.

At the end of my long walk with God, I thought it time to shut up and let Him talk. I'd done most of the talking and asked many questions, so if I wanted an answer I should let Him speak.
And He did.

It took me over an hour to express myself but He said only a few words which answered everything! I felt like a son must feel who has worked in the family business and then his dad retires, leaving him in charge.

He said " What YOU say goes! And you can tell those who are praying with you that the same applies to them."

So who needs a Tv or Radio show.

We have the REAL SAY! !


Lpoe said...

Wow! Every time I read your comments it is like you are speaking my concerns, thoughts or feelings! I go from quiet ease in my spirit to uneasiness. Your post has once again given me an ease. I will keep professing God's Word "Mike Huckabee the 44th President of the United State of American, One nation UNDER God"!!!
Again, thank you!

Lpoe said...

Also, thanks to another blogger I read Is. 41:9-16 this morning .. It is VERY relevant and encouraging. Esp. for the negativity against President Huckabee.
11 Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.

12 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought.

13 For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.
Awesome God we serve!

Anonymous said...

Please keep posting - spurs me on!! Fasting and praying these days for God to do something BIG!

Stan and Shannon Roberts said...

HalleluYAH!!! Luke 10 says He has given us power (dunamis) and authority (exusias?) over (to trample) snakes and scorpions (the powers and principalities, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places--Eph. 6) (Malachi 4), for He has given us the keys to & of the kingdom (the key of David):) (KOD radio--Key of David ministries) for worship, intercession, and beautiful Holy Spirit-filled and fire of God music!!!
We had a powerful experience of taking authority in our church service this morning.
I truly believe He has given us this power and authority to speak it into existence (decree and declare a thing and it shall be established). I am praying on, and on... like Elijah. The fervent, persistent, effective prayers of the righteous:-)

I have felt the Lord's love so strongly in my times with Him, His presence, and His love for all of His children, for America, and for this generation!!! It is overwhelming, and not one word, prayer, promise, in His Spirit, in accordance with His Spirit and will, shall fall to the ground, but shall go forth and do or accomplish that which it has purposed (it will not return void). Like Anita said, we have the greatest influence EVER, our Creator, our Daddy, our Beloved!! Yea, yea, yea....
We will wait and listen for His heartbeat, His commands, His voice, that beautiful still small voice and the warmth and love of His presence, and march on!!! We are the army of God:-) We cannot see them, but we have the whole host of angels, and the voice and heart of God on our side:-) If God be for us, who can be against us! Thy will be done on earth, in America, in this election, as it is in heaven, ultimately for Your precious unborn babies, and for Your children!!! I believe Father smiles at us, and is well-pleased, and there is nothing like supping and hanging out with the Lord... We love You, Jesus, we thank You, Daddy!!! Blessings and love, Shannon

ML said...

Your words of encouragement are just what I need at this time. I too, have been caught up in praying and then listening to the polls and the media, and then feeling very troubled in Spirit. I have a burden for our once Christian nation like never before.

Please keep posting and praying and listening. God is using you mightily.

Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a good post, but then they all are. You always encourage me to pray more. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I still SAY Mike Huckabee will be in the Whitehouse. Of course I don't see the how of it nor do I fully understand. But God has not changed his mind about this and that is clear to me. I don't feel discouraged by the results being reported tonight. I appreciate Mike being a Godly man of character and keeping his word. The media said he just stepped down. I did not hear the speech. The holy spirit is speaking to my heart it doesn't matter who takes him out, God has not taken him out! We must stop killing our babies, we must elect men that want to protect our children from evil. No matter what happened tonight God is good ALL the time! When the worldly knock you down..look up!