Monday, February 25, 2008


Every now and then, I feel like my prayers aren't being heard. After all the Bible
does say if I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me, right?
Well, the truth is that I am constantly presenting all of my thoughts and actions
to the Lord and asking for conviction of anything that bothers Him.
A young prophetess said to me once that I am the garden of the Lord and I have been
trying to do my own weeding. He'd like to tend His own garden. It gave me the rest
that I needed. I needed to remember that today.

The accuser of the brethren circles back around from time to time and accuses me to myself. It's his attempt to get me believing that I'm not clean enough to pray effectively.
HA! He's so busted!
He is indeed threatened by our prayers which is itself an encouragement that they are working.

RW Schambauch once said that water boils at 212 degrees. Don't take the water off the stove at 200 degrees thinking it will never boil.
it's the same with prayer....

Specifically today I'm praying for the news media to make a big deal topic of the possibility of a brokered Republican convention and who it's worked for in the past.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that encouragement as I never feel I am "without sin". I am getting to the point in my Christian life that when I stumble and fall, I recognize more quickly that the enemy would keep me down so that I CAN'T PRAY - when I think of the various urgent needs, it is motivation to get up, claim the blood of Christ, and CONTINUE PRAYING.... Your site has been an encouragement to me - though Huckabee looks like "an impossibility", I can't think God would turn America over to judgment with all the people of God storming heaven... Let's keep on!!!

Stan and Shannon Roberts said...

Thank you! This is an awesome point. Let's press on, I can feel the rumbling in heaven...
I did just read in Revelation 5 about our prayers that are incense in heaven, in the bowl. May it overflow even now, in these last days as we storm heaven with our prayers (that availeth much!).
The prayer request regarding the media is so true. FOX would not post my blog a few weeks ago, which I tried to post several times, that shared with the people the truth that Lincoln and Roosevelt won in a brokered convention. They were purposefully keeping and monitoring the postings in their favor, or favored candidate. This was proof of the media bias, which I witnessed firsthand. But, God is greater. Also, two weekends ago, the night we were praying over Washington State, God spoke in my Spirit, "scandal." And, then the next morning I found out of the scandals breaking forth. I knew then were are up against some very corrupt wickedness, yet our prayers break through!!! We have already seen how God is intervening in these situations. And, our fight is not against flesh and blood, but the powers, principalities, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places! I keep pleading the blood of Jesus and binding and loosing, in Jesus' name! Kimberly Daniels ministries ( has some powerful prayer and spiritual warfare information, and how to Command the morning and the day... She will also be on TBN with David Tyree (her spiritual son) who made the big play for the Giants (a source of encouragement which I believe was Divine and significant of this election):-)
Hope this encourages you all as it does me, and all of what is spoken here!! Love, Shannon

Lpoe said...

Amen, Amen! Thank you for your thoughts and words in print! It is helping more of us then you can know. It gives me enthusiasm to continue confessing we live in One Nation UNDER God! God is hearing us and the Angels are hearkening to the voice we put to His Word, to bring it to pass.